In order to create the new in our life, every choice we face must be made with a fully conscious awakened state of mind, and not left to the reactions of our conditioned unconscious ego.

Spiritual Perspectives

  …”In order to create the new in our life, every choice we face must be made with a fully conscious awakened state of mind, and not left to the reactions of our conditioned unconscious ego. IT all boils down to consciousness, and how conscious we really are, for it takes a tremendous focus in […]


The Last Card And The Fifth World Of Hopi Prophecy

Spiritual Perspectives

  by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, How does Hopi prophecy ties into what is going on in our world right now?  Recent current eventshave all pointed in the same direction from two different perspectives. Dr. Carol Rosin warned us about the weaponization of space through her professional relationship with ex-Nazi scientists, Dr. Wernher von […]


MORAG: “Incoming Energetic Upgrades”

Spiritual Perspectives

  Further recalibration of our mind body soul system is kicking in. Huge shifts in consciousness are now available. Chakra activation and expansion requires self care, listening to our changing needs and responding. Root chakra excavation is ongoing. Releasing stuck dense childhood, ancestral and past life karma drains us. This can also affect our digestion […]


The New You is About to Receive a New Mirror

Spiritual Perspectives

  By Sophie Gregoire, 05/03/2017 Outgrown soul contracts and karmic relationships are dissolving. In that case, New Mirrors are presented to reflect back to you the work you’ve done, the power and truth that you’ve become.  The New You deserves a New Mirror – know that the Handover is happening behind the scenes. Trust that […]


We are in an Inter Dimensional Light Ship ~ Receive the Higher Frequencies ~ L’Aura Pleiadian

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

  Powerfully the Higher Dimensions of consciousness are merging within your DNA. The Frequency surge appears as a dismantling of the process to which you assembled your thoughts. The thoughts now occur throughout many dimensions at once as waves of Light, translated into a meaning through which you alone decipher, throughout the different dimensions. These […]


Mike Quinsey Message, April 28, 2017

Spiritual Perspectives

  There is much activity taking place in Antarctica and discoveries are being made that will alter your history that barely covers your true Human development. There are very interesting finds such as the bodies of extremely tall Beings, frozen exactly where they were when the freeze came upon them. They came from a period […]



Spiritual Perspectives

Being grateful is not possible when you still feel that you “need” something. Gratitude is based on a frequency of abundant satisfaction in light of the blessing of life, where “need” is an expression of lack, limitation, and dissatisfaction. Here is where you sense the contradiction in such a way of being. Le’Vell Zimmerman


Divine Moment of Truth

Spiritual Perspectives

art by Benedigital ..”When we encounter a Divine Moment of Truth and cross that inner threshold, we suddenly discover the realization of love and interconnection that we all have been yearning for, as many of us have been seeking for IT in the outer for most of our lives, but what we really have been […]
