Decree To Shift Into The 5th Dimension

Spiritual Perspectives

 by Asara Adams In the name of my “Beloved I AM Presence” I now call forth my Galactic Family of Light, the Beloved Ascended Masters, and the Great Angelic Hosts. I Ask for these Blessed Beings of the Light to Amplify, Intensify, and Multiply the power of this Decree with the Light of a Thousand […]


The Quantum Awakening

Spiritual Perspectives

We stand at a point in-between what we believe in our hearts to be possible and what we see in our world. We hold tightly to the spiritual lifeline that dangles from the high cliffs as we try over and over again to propel up the side of what seems to be an insurmountable slick […]


The Template – The Source Ceremony – Code 4

Recommended, Spiritual Perspectives, Videos

Humanity was not simply intellectually duped into surrendering its deep core sovereignty to the deified, hierarchical power structures of religion. The inability of Humanity to self reference as an autonomously sustained system of consciousness is a consequence of genetic engineering. Everything is code. The Circuits connected in the Ceremony of Source deliver the energetic nature […]



Spiritual Perspectives

As we find ourselves at the precipice of a self-induced global emotional emergency, the need to navigate our way through these turbulent times is at an all-time high.   Maybe our feeling mechanism, our capacity to be self-aware, consciously sentient beings, is the bio-encoded, built-in GPS we’ve been looking for as a Guiding Light. Not a […]


I don’t care how spiritual you are …

Spiritual Perspectives

“I don’t care how spiritual you are. How long you can melt in the sweat lodge. How many peyote or ayahuasca journeys that have blown your mind, how many master plant dietas you’ve done or how well you can hold crow pose. I don’t care what planets fall in what houses on your birth chart, […]


Rising Universal Shadow Body ∞ Lisa Renee

Spiritual Perspectives

On the earth, we have penetrated through another portion of memory layer that moves past our Solar System records and into the Universal Gateways which is connecting into the next layer of the quarantine field called the Wall in Time. During this phase, the planetary architecture is undergoing massive changes which integrate the next harmonic layers […]


We have reached a significant turning point in our healing journey, which is offering us a profound expansion in our human consciousness.

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

We have reached a significant turning point in our healing journey, which is offering us a profound expansion in our human consciousness. With this expansion we are able to access previously hidden aspects of our soul, which will elevate our thinking and bring fresh insights and new information.   In the last few months you […]


In the spectrum of BEIng, some may choose to surround themselves with light, while many others will choose to surround themselves in darkness ∞ Alistar Valadez

Spiritual Perspectives

…”In the spectrum of BEIng, some may choose to surround themselves with light, while many others will choose to surround themselves in darkness, either way IT all stems from our choice. When we do not know what we want, our unconscious mind will make these decisions for us, whispering thoughts from our conditioned past, which […]


Ascension movement ∞ Teri Wade

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

Those who get the idea that we are multidimensional beings understand very well that when living in this 3D structure it’s like having a foot in two different worlds. Meaning, it’s real tough holding onto that experience of the multi-dimensional world when we live in a structure that supports enslavement, restriction and limitation. We’re in […]


Allies… ∞ Teri Wade

Spiritual Perspectives

Everybody that comes into this world has a spiritual team, back up…because entering this material world isn’t easy. You come in with certain talents and certain knowledge from previous lifetimes. We are always being told information through codes kind of like Q in the Bond movies. Some of this information is coming from people you […]
