Water Memory & Phantom DNA

New Science, Recommended, Videos

    DNA Replication at a Distance–reported by Nobel scientist, likely building on research first published in 1992 by Russian scientists, Garaiev and Poponin Luc Montagnier The joint winner of the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2008, Luc Montagnier, is claiming that DNA can send ‘electromagnetic imprints’ of itself into distant cells and fluids which […]



New Science

Art by Krystle Smith   THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and […]


Reprogramming Your DNA By Your Words

New Science

By Michael Forrester Guest writer for Wake Up World Our DNA can feed its proper data into a network of consciousness and can call up data from the network and also establish contact with other participants in the network. When words and phrases are spoken and modulated on specific frequencies — the reprogramming effect on DNA are extraordinary. […]


A New Study Examines How Consciousness in the Universe is Scale Invariant and Implies an Event Horizon of the Human Brain

New Science

  A paper recently published in the Journal of NeuroQuantology presents a unitary holofractogramic model that is redefining scientists’ view of the physics of consciousness and the seamless interplay of information dynamics from the most fundamental levels of the universe to the living system and the cosmos as a whole. Major breakthroughs in the study […]


Synchronicity: The Universe’s Software Programs

New Science, Spiritual Perspectives

By Anthony Tyler Guest writer for Wake Up World Despite the recognition that Carl Jung has received throughout the last century or so, the importance of his work still cannot be stressed enough. The real beauty of Jung’s work was his ability to conceptualize a variety of esoteric, even shamanistic concepts through scientific, empirical observation. While some might still […]


Chiral water super-structure forms around DNA

New Science

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame have observed for the first time a chiral water superstructure templated around a biomolecule. Although many studies have demonstrated the direct interaction of water with highly important macromolecules like DNA, the latest study is a final confirmation that water forms a unique and enduring super-structure around the DNA […]


Royal Rife’s Energy Machine: Why It Was Really Silenced

New Science

  By Christina Sarich The tactics used to silence any free energy, alternative healing device, or beneficial technology to humanity are still the same: attack someone’s character, call them a quack, discredit their inventions with fake science, or bankrupt them. If these techniques don’t work, then the federal government will seize the patent, and turn to […]


DNA as a Fractal Torsion Antenna and Activating it with Holistic Health ~ Jordan Sather

New Science, Recommended, Videos

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg5sukd6E6Q&ytb A video on the geometries of DNA, our nature as beings of light and how to best keep our DNA healthy and “activated” with holistic health concepts. ABC Science: “Language in junk DNA” – https://goo.gl/qI4P7I GW Hardin on DNA as a fractal – https://goo.gl/aduS7O Viewzone: “Is DNA The Next Internet?” – https://goo.gl/1XWdCg in5d: […]


Chaos Theory

New Science

  by Rich Fiori, Guest writer, In5D,.com Is everything in a state of chaos? The answer is yes it is. But it’s not what you think. Chaos is a nonlinear ordering that explains many phenomena. Chaos theory is the study of chaos. The theory explains such things as why leaves have repeatable patterns and why […]
