Sequoia: Crystalline Portals of Healing ~ Metatron

Ancient Science

The Sacred Energy of Trees Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome you in a vector of unconditional love. We acknowledge each of you reading these words in the now moment of your connection to the energetic vibration of this message. An entourage of Spirit […]


HILARION’S WEEKLY MESSAGE ~~ April 7-14, 2013 ~~ humanity is being cleansed of all old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serves their higher purpose, the heartbeat of the Earth joins with them

Ancient Science

Beloved Ones, As the days march on into the new Age of Light and humanity is being cleansed of all old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serves their higher purpose, the heartbeat of the Earth joins with them. The Earth deeply desires to allow the time necessary for as many of her […]


Vimanas- ancient flying machines of India

Ancient Science, Galactics

Vimanas-the “UFOS” of ancient India. Recorded in the Vimanika Shastra which is undoubtedly a modern version based on earlier texts, these craft along with missiles (brahmastras) and nuclear warfare makes the pages of the most ancient scriptures of India including the Ramayana and Mahabharata which are thousands of years old. more info on vimanas:


Search for the Ark of The Covenant ~~ Graham Hancock

Ancient Science

THE SIGN AND THE SEAL by Graham Hancock It was growing dark and the air of the Ethiopian highlands was chill when the monk appeared. Stooped and leaning on a prayer stick he shuffled towards me from the doorway of the sanctuary chapel and listened attentively as I was introduced to him. Speaking in Tigrigna, […]


Spirals of Consciousness

Ancient Science

  Personal and collective evolution move along a spiral. For understanding matters I’ll address it as if it was going up and down even if it is definitely not a linear spiral and up and down have no sense out of a space-time continuum. Being familiar with the Fibonacci sequence can help this understanding so […]


Panspermia, Seeding the Universe with Life

Ancient Science, Entheogens

  Panspermia Theory suggests that life seeds came from outer space and planets exchanged life. Panspermia literally means seeds everywhere. Terence McKenna on Interstellar Mushroom Spores What the mushroom says about itself is this: that it is an extraterrestrial organism, that spores can survive the conditions of interstellar space. They are deep, deep purple — […]


Sacred Geometry 101E: Metatron’s Cube

Ancient Science

A discourse on the aspect of Sacred Geometry known as Metatron’s Cube by Charles Gilchrist. The powerful sounds at the end of this video were created my my very talented friend Jandy, from Australia. Her YouTube Channel is JezebelDecibel. The name of the piece is “Quent Laxis; Music & Solfeggio frequency 396”. For more details […]


Gnostics, Anunnaki/ Archons & The Reptilian Agenda

Ancient Science, Galactics

In a Collector’s Edition entitled “Secrets of the Da Vinci Code,” published by US News and World Report, there is a brief interview with James Robinson, general editor of the Nag Hammadi Library. In response to Dan Brown’s reference to the Nag Hammadi texts as scrolls, Robinson points out: “They are codices – books with […]


When the Impossible Happens ~ Stanislav Grof

Ancient Science, Books, Entheogens, Recommended

  Descriptions of the 5-MeO-DMT experience increasingly report distinct parallels to the classical mystical experience. Of the notable attempts at describing the 5-MeO-DMT experience by these “front-line” investigators, none are more notable than the following account by the eminent transpersonal psychologist Stanislav Grof, taken from his recent autobiography, When the Impossible Happens. (2006). The most […]


Trust ~~ LISTEN ~~ Surrender ~ Solfeggio Harmonics 528Hz + 741Hz

Ancient Science

5’47” There is a special sound and color of love according to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator. Broadcasting the right frequency can help open your heart, prompt peace, and hasten healing. “We now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the six core creative frequencies of the universe because math doesn’t lie, the […]


“The Truth About Enki”

Ancient Science

    Nippur, Administrative Center of Enlil This was the city dedicated to Enlil and where he ruled from his Ekut or “house on the mountain.” At Nippur, Enlil exercised supreme command over all the Anunnaki on Earth before the Deluge. One of the hymns dedicated to him provides a graphic description of a control […]


Adams Calendar ~ Michael Tellinger

Ancient Science

The discovery of the ancient stone calendar site by Johan Heine (Adam’s Calendar) in among all these stone dwellings and temples, would suggest that some of the structures would date back to the same era as the calendar some 75,000 years ago. It shows us with a certain level of clarity that these lost civilizations […]


The Pineal Gland : A Stargate To Time Travel

Ancient Science, Ascension, Entheogens

The Pineal Gland is a hyper dimensional Stargate built into our human physiology which enables us to Time Travel. This technology was reverse engineered by the ancient Atlantean society. The stargate functions by the use of ordinary water, H2O. When shielded off from all of the electromagnetic references to our existing 3rd dimensional space/time… the […]
