Is the Nature of Final Mergence Knowable? – Part 1


    One of the ways they’re incomplete and incorrect is that there’s no absolute need for a being to go through all the stages of evolution when returning to the One. Returning to the One I call “mergence.” He reminded me that many beings – and, he said, this is especially true of some […]


Is the Nature of Final Mergence Knowable? – Part 2


(Continued fromPart 1.) No, I’m afraid I know of no accounts of mergence. Even Hilarion, who speaks of a point well before it, says that the human ability to describe reaches its end at some point. “When after ages of struggle and many victories the final battle is won, the final secret demanded, then you […]


The Arcturians ~ All the Galactic Civilizations, all Beings and the collective of You are becoming this giant group of consciousness on a Solar and Universal level ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

Ascension, Galactics

  Greetings, we are the Arcturians and we greet you from our perspective of Being.  We flow forth as a collective form from Source and our essence is Love.  From our perspective and point of view, all is forming the new wave of Being in all Light and Love of essence.  This energy is hitting […]


Ninety Percent of U.S. Tobacco is GMO

Alternative News

Smoke herbicide and pesticide all day and what do you get? You get a recurring hangover that seemingly needs a new blast of nicotine to quell or “dissipate,” but in actuality, the only thing the nicotine does is stave off the headache, the nervousness, the anxiety, the “chemical hangover,” and after 30 to 40 minutes, […]


The Illusion of Time ~ Dr. Bruce Lipton & Eckhart Tolle

New Science

The right brain senses time in the present moment and uses creativity, the left brain perceives time in terms of past and future and uses logic, and we are caught in the middle. As far as consciousness is concerned, we use our creative thinking 5% of the time, whilst our subconscious mind operates 95% of […]


You’re Now Receiving Powerful Currents Of Universal Energy


  Greetings Dear Heart, You, like many others are experiencing nearly electrifying energy waves incorporating into your field. You realize this is important and valuable and yet it can be very challenging to handle emotionally and energetically. The intensity of this energy gives you a feeling of “not knowing what to do,” for even lying down […]


Eternally in Peace by Lady Quan Yin


  Greetings to you beloved ones, I am Lady Quan Yin; I come forward and deliver to you the vibration of my peace to encapsulate you in all that peace holds. It is peace that I wish to communicate with you about today in order to enhance the vibration and realisation of peace within your […]


Assange on PRISM: US justice system in ‘calamitous’ collapse

Alternative News

George Orwell’s 1984 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has slammed a recently exposed NSA mass-surveillance scheme as a “calamitous collapse in the rule of law.” Google, Facebook and other tech giants apparently involved have denied giving the NSA access to their servers. Assange accused the US government of trying to “launder” its activities concerning the large-scale […]


The Heart and Knowing Mind of Divine Awareness in the Body


The future of humanity is an awakening of heart consciousness.   Within the heart, we open to a higher dimension of our mind that intends, knows, and acts beyond thinking.  Since humanity has been conditioned in a narrow range of fear-based conflict, control, and separation through a dualistic thinking mind, it can seem incomprehensible at the […]


Assange Statement on the First Day of Manning Trial

Alternative News

Monday 3rd June 2013, 22:00 GMT Statement by Julian Assange As I type these lines, on June 3, 2013, Private First Class Bradley Edward Manning is being tried in a sequestered room at Fort Meade, Maryland, for the alleged crime of telling the truth. The court martial of the most prominent political prisoner in modern […]


In Memoriam ~~ Bruce Cathie ~~

Alternative News

CATHIE, Bruce Leonard. Peacefully on June 2nd 2013 at North Shore Hospice, surrounded by his family. Retired airline pilot (NAC, Air New Zealand) and author. Beloved husband, best friend and companion of Wendy. Much-loved Dad of Stephen and Mark, and good friend to Jason. You’re free now to explore the universe in ways you have […]


The Reversing of Earth’s Magnetic Poles

Earth Changes

A fascinating documentary! Award winning scientist and broadcaster, Dr. David Suzuki explores the reversal of Earth’s Magnetic Poles.. Part 2    Part 3   Part 4 • Since the 70s, the pole has moved more than 1500 km at a rate of 10 kilometres a year. In the 1980s, this increased to 30 km a year. Today, […]
