The Eternal Stream of Love ∞ L’Aura Pleiadian

Spiritual Perspectives

Aligned in bliss, the moments flow, as sacred drops of water become the ocean. No thing is outside of this, the endless love of creation. As magical union exists, so too, the pure state of being. Merged with all worlds and eternity now, this glorious love ignites all hearts desiring eternal union. Drawing to itself […]


Attachment and the Illusion of Duality ∞ Paul Lenda

Spiritual Perspectives

Siddhartha Gautama, upon becoming the one we know as the Buddha, had a major realization about suffering. He noticed that suffering occurred when someone was attached to the desire to either have something or not have something.  We all have desires, and these desires cause us to suffer, either by becoming angry, afraid, anxious, sad, […]


Microdosing | Silicon Valley’s Newest Smartdrug? ∞ Billy Barnes


Recently, while out to dinner with a few Silicon Valley Senior Management types ( Startup / Enterprise ), the question of how one could go about achieving the “Limitless Effect” was brought up. Of course referring to the film Limitless, where Bradley Cooper’s character taps into his full potential by using a performance-enhancing smart drug […]


Immortality ∞ Judith Kusel

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

I cannot stop stressing the magnitude of the Changes which are now upon us. With the intense releasing and reactivation of energy fields, and energy grids which have lain dormant for millions of years, the planet is now in accelerated dimensional shifts, as the Cosmic Counsels have declared that planet earth will return to the 7th […]


A New Study Examines How Consciousness in the Universe is Scale Invariant and Implies an Event Horizon of the Human Brain

Ancient Science

by William Brown A paper recently published in the Journal of NeuroQuantology presents a unitary holofractogramic model that is redefining scientists’ view of the physics of consciousness and the seamless interplay of information dynamics from the most fundamental levels of the universe to the living system and the cosmos as a whole. Major breakthroughs in […]



Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

The installation of 12D Templates have taken this entire year and we continue to honor the sacredness and importance of integration and completion cycles, while also pulling/holding/allowing much higher dimensional/vibrational holographics to fully anchor in through each one of us, in conjunction with various Crystalline & Plasma Gridding Platforms and Systems which shift/change the basis […]


Theology of Digital Physics: The Universe of Conscious Minds ∞ Antonin Tuynman

Books, New Science, Recommended, Spiritual Perspectives, Transhumanism

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”​-Max Planck   With clear intentions, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. A couple of years ago Matt Swayne, author and lecturer […]


∞ Christ Consciousness ∞

Spiritual Perspectives

The term “Christ” means a person whose conscious of their behavior and actions, and can give/receive love and compassion without wanting anything back in return.“Christ Consciousness” means, a person who embraces and demonstrates divinity. Divinity refers to the highest characteristics, personal qualities of the absolute divine. Therefore, a “Divine Person” means an individual that can […]


Fascia Crystalline Network ∞ Lisa Renee

New Science, Spiritual Perspectives

The Fascia Crystalline Network within our body has been impacted by the lower NET mutations in the corrupted 3D elemental structure, and this connective tissue matrix is undergoing an ongoing transformation with a sequential process of re-encryption upgrades. Many of us have been experiencing the intensification of structural changes and adjustments being made to the physical […]
