Anna Merkaba ~ You are becoming Merlins – The signature Song of Your Heart – Melchizedek & The company of Heaven

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives / Monday, November 2nd, 2015

rainbow ascencion


Dearly Beloved Masters of Creation,
A new world has indeed been created by you. A new world of infinite possibilities, potentials and intricate synchronicities. A new world of new beginnings, and swift endings to that which no longer belongs in your new cognition. A new infinite flow of energy has showered upon you in  recent weeks of your linear comprehension of time and space.
And so, this new world is calling you, calling you to acknowledge the hidden vices within and to release all such vices of energetic and physical proportions which are stopping you from stepping into your true power and potential of being. Through the benign encounters with the Fifth Dimensional Kind, many of you are beginning to blossom into your true state of awareness.
Many are beginning to comprehend the new foundation and the energies which are abundantly flowing to GAIA. Many of you have indeed begun to listen to your intuitive centers and have allowed them to activate fully and completely and in doing so, you have allowed yourselves to be aligned with the magic of that which is. With the magic of that which indeed is YOU. For all of you are magicians who are creating a reality which you wish to experience. All of you are Merlins at heart, all of you have indeed been schooled and prepared well for the coming of times.
And so, a new beginning is calling, and with it comes a swift round up of all the old energies and release of said energies which are no longer to your liking. Release of said energies are occurring daily for you now. Old belief systems are coming to the forefront of your cognition, and triggering various responses within your vessel lf of time and space. These triggers must be acknowledged, looked upon through a prism of your new identities, and released with gratitude and comprehension of benevolence of said experiences. For indeed as we have conferred upon you for eons, it is imperative to restructure your thinking patterns, to release the past energies, with comprehension and gratitude for that which has indeed been experienced.
Step with light and eternal gratitude for the experience which is unfolding before you. Step with dignity and comprehension of all whom your way may come, step with true knowing and understanding, unconditional understanding and unconditional love for all.And so, a new world has indeed been built, a new world infinite potentials and possibilities, and it is now up to you all of you to tune into said frequencies, to tune into said energies and anchor a new foundation into your cognitive realities. The cognitive reality structure of your BEing. Foregoing all programming that continues to flourish upon your planet, and allow your very own frequencies to manifest a new cognition for all.
For the moment of peace has arrived h. For the moment of peace has indeed arrived to engulf mankind through eternal understanding of peace and tranquility through oneness. For through oneness within the sea of separation, shall mankind be able to rise again and sing a beautiful song of tranquility and peace, benevolence and might, for through the unification principles of BEing shall the ones that have come to restore said peace and harmony rise into a new cognitive reality. For through tranquility and peace and love and benevolent co-creation of all that is, shall a hew song be sung, and weaved into a coherent understanding of all that is. For all that is, is within the reach, through the momentum of the eternal OM. Through the momentum of the Eternal OM. Sing the song for benevolence and peace, sing the song of tranquilly and harmonious outcome for all the chaotic experiences in your energy field of forgetfulness. Sing a song of knowing that all is well in the universe, co-create a new structure of being, co create a new cognition of all that is.
Reclaim your power once more, and rise up above the mundane structure of your realities, rise above and take flight into the eternal infinity of your soul, into the eternal knowing, take flight and allow a newly profound experiences to flood your psyche once more, allow the old paradigms to transmute into the light, whilst you continue on your path of righteousness.
Sing a new song of beauty, benevolence and might. Raising your vibratory senses to allow a multitude of new uncategorized sensual experiences to ignite the passion within your vessels of time and space. Activating your creative centers in order to allow a new peaceful commencement of the new era.
Sing a song, attune yourself to said song of your heart, and attune yourself to the highest octaves of being. Look within and derive the true signature song of your soul to shine through the outer shell of representation, and induce all whom your way shall come.
Stay on your path of righteousness, benevolence and might. Stay on your path of unification through the coherent understanding of benign encounters with the third dimensional kind. Release said structures, release said ideals, and confidently walk your path, walk your path as you have waked it before, for indeed you have.
Know that you are supported by all that is. Know that we are walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Know that you can call upon us whenever you wish. Know that it is so. For it is.
That is all that we have for you now. We are with you. We love you. Goodbye for now.
P.S. It is said that when one returns to stillness one is then attuned to the melody of one’s heart. The melody of pure recognition of that which one is. The melody of eternal OM and effervescence of BEing. It is said that once attuned one shall wish to express said song and so one should. The song of attunement to ones being is unique for each soul, and yet intricately interlaced with the rich tapestry of the universal decrees and tones of ascension. The universe permeates the songs of all souls, culminating in one shimmering energy field of light. Each song is sung throughout ones journey and recognized deep within as the calling of home. Attuning one to ones signature song thus brings out the deepest purity and perfection, unifying one with that which is, allowing one to completely attune to ones origins. And so, through the intricacies of the human vocalization it is thus advisable to sing ones song, for the universe is that which is sung into existence.
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