You have come to alter and remove the frequency of limitation and to bring in the frequency of information. When you are informed, you move beyond the need to be in fear. When you feel uninformed and out of control, you do not understand the bigger picture.
Each of you came to awaken something inside yourself, inside the coding of your being, the DNA, and you are responding to it.
This is why you are on a search in all directions of your life.
You and multitudes of others have begun the mutation process on the planet. As you mutate electromagnetically, you alter your frequency or the tune that you broadcast. You will eventually outgrow the frequency that holds you down and continually blasts you with chaos and confusion.
Eventually, when you alter, carry, and maintain your own frequency, you will vibrate differently and thus affect everyone around you. They will feel the availability of this frequency alteration, which will then move like a wave around the planet.
As the planet accepts this new frequency that you have worked very hard to obtain, those at the end of the domino chain will receive it.
This new frequency is called knowledge, light, and information.
It is called being taken out of bondage.
You are being taken out of disinformation and misinformation and you are becoming informed.. you are coming into light.. ❤
~ The Pleiadians
through Barbara Marciniak
As facets of ALL, we are powerful multidimensional creators and through our focus and intent we can access energy from any dimension. You can reclaim your brilliance and merge with your highest frequencies. Invoke your highest aspect and interact with All of your being…
You are not what happened to you, you are what you choose to become
You are the alchemist
You are the creator of your life
You are the Temple of Divine Creation
In Universal Service I △M ▲ Keeper of The Diamond Light Codes