True Divine Potential ∞ Alistar Valadez

Spiritual Perspectives / Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

…”Many people think that to be a god or a goddess requires magic and superhuman powers like we see in movies or our favorite television series, but if we just look closely at our own bodies, looking closer at how our nervous system works, looking at how intricate our blood vessels and chemical patterns work, looking at how complex our emotions and consciousness exists, what we notice is how everything works in perfect harmony, and one can easily realize that IT is YOU doing all of this magnificent work of magic and creation! What else but a god or goddess could create such marvelous patterns of beauty? All which are specific to YOU, just like within your process of dreaming! Look at IT a little closer, and realize your true divine potential, for we are like a seed that can transcend beyond our limited form of perception. When we look out at the world, we may be fooled into thinking we are looking out at an existence outside of our encapsulated ego, things going on beyond our influence, but science shows us that our eyes take in light and everything we SEE is but a inner world image of creation. Not unlike our in our dreams and mystical visions, IT is YOU that shines the sun and blues the sky all from within the confines of your own inner mind! Yes the world is outside of us, yet at the same time IT is all within us, and when we can carry this knowing at all times of our daily experiences, IT is the same feeling as awakening within a pattern of deep dreaming, as we instantly have that ‘Satori’ feeling and become immortal just as a god or goddess! May we continue on the path to the return of gods and goddesses living within human form, for the world needs now more then ever spirits that are awake to guide us to the next level of our consciousness!” ~Alistar Valadez DMTmetal.con
Art by: ElohProjects
“Celestial Healer”

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