“They say that faith is for those who have a fear of hell, whereas spirituality is for those who have been to hell and returned as an empowered being, not unlike Christ, Buddha, and all the other prophets, sages, and mystics throughout the ages. For those who have awakened within the illusion of ego are whole and complete, versus most of us split ourselves into two, the unconscious and conscious self, as we suppress one side and try to enhance the other, yet the two are both apart of our total spectrum of being. So there is no ‘good or bad self’ to get in the way of our true awakening, as there is just the undiscovered aspects of ourselves we have yet to become in tune with. For when we are in full ego mode, we ignore the existence of the extension of our being, as dreams, intuition, imagination and such are apart, a layer, of the extension of our spirit, and far too many of us dismiss this deeper aspect of our-Self. As the ego tends to misidentify itself with the whispers of ‘passing’ inner thought, for beyond the oneness, is still the individual drops, and its the reflections of the other drops which creates those whispers of influence in the greater cosmic ocean. But beyond the cosmic chatter of the tricksters is a greater silence, and that is the space where great wisdom provides guidance!” ~Alistar Valadez…