…”As the sun sets, so does our past melt away, just like a wake trailing from a ship. It does not matter who did you wrong in the yesterday, all that matters is who you are today, and who is by your side now, for the rest is only the illusions of memory. To cling to past conflicts is to only create your own inner suffering, as the Buddha once said, ‘Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.’ Looking closer at ‘what is’ brings us closer to authentic being, and that is to be connected to the felt presence of ‘immediate experience.’ The past was real at one point, but look around you, it is nowhere to be found. There are fragments which serve to remind us like echos from the past, but we all know that echos are only ripples which are cast from the present moment. The world needs you today, not yesterday, so stop blaming yesterday for the problems you hold on to today. The past is only a memory, the future is only a vision, so look well into the present moment, for IT is the only place one will ever be!” ~Alistar Valadez…