Humanity was not simply intellectually duped into surrendering its deep core sovereignty to the deified, hierarchical power structures of religion. The inability of Humanity to self reference as an autonomously sustained system of consciousness is a consequence of genetic engineering. Everything is code.
The Circuits connected in the Ceremony of Source deliver the energetic nature of the Source Code into the Human endocrine system. These meridians of electromagnetic information define the Human as a fractal aspect of primordial awareness. Providing data that restores the self-realization of the Human holonom as a self-constructing, self-sustaining system of photonic resonance; activating the inherent Human potential to decipher the meaning of Source and to embody the knowledge that You Are The Source.
Golly…need my dictionary and thesaurus to decifer the psycho babble. I’m sure within the template is some most beautiful code….we all need confidence to simplify, so we can understand.
The last year bombarded by fear and bad communication…we don’t need to be dazzled by intellect…we need authentic simple words.
Love the posts,they stimulate.thank you.x
There is “psycho babble” in all specialized subjects. For the sake of precision in communication within the limitations of spoken language, new words are often required. Once the words are known, the communication is established. The transmission of the information in the Template videos are beyond Mind and best understood from that perspective. The words spoken are carrier waves for aspects of “Reality” that belong to the realm of The Ineffable, and thus best felt rather than understood by Mind.
Blessings to all of you
Thank you
Thank you for sharing