The Template – The Source Ceremony – Code 4

Recommended, Spiritual Perspectives, Videos

Humanity was not simply intellectually duped into surrendering its deep core sovereignty to the deified, hierarchical power structures of religion. The inability of Humanity to self reference as an autonomously sustained system of consciousness is a consequence of genetic engineering. Everything is code. The Circuits connected in the Ceremony of Source deliver the energetic nature […]


Evolution will begin with the reconnection to Source and the autonomous definition of that Source within the Human psyche …

Spiritual Perspectives

Evolution will begin with the reconnection to Source and the autonomous definition of that Source within the Human psyche, beyond the impositioning of those who have written the history books through the prism of their own desires and agendas. As the fetus of Humankind once again draws succor from its umbilical connection to the Benevolent […]
