Entheogen’s & Existential Intelligence: The Use of “Plant Teachers” as Cognitive Tools

Ancient Science, Entheogens

  In light of recent specific liberalizations in drug laws in some countries, this article investigates the potential of entheogens (i.e. psychoactive plants used as spiritual sacraments) as tools to facilitate existential intelligence. “Plant teachers” from the Americas such as ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, and the Indo-Aryan soma of Eurasia are examples of both past- […]


Can Plants Talk to us?


  By Jacob Devaney Understanding our potential to communicate with nature Since the beginning of time, humans have held a deep reverence for the wisdom of plants, it is only recently that this has been forgotten. This isn’t about receiving a phone call from a tree, it’s about understanding that language and communication can also […]
