Archangel Metatron ~ Ascension; what does it entail? And an update: Everything is already finished on the etheric level and now the physical aspects will be drawn through the center point of the cosmos ~ Méline Lafont

Ascension, Galactics

Archangel Metatron as channeled by Méline Lafont –  JULY 1, 2013 I greet all of you in the name of my Presence of Love and gratitude. I Am Archangel Metatron, at your disposal at all times. In the name of the Heavenly Realms of Light I bring you great tidings full of love as well as […]


The Arcturians ~ All the Galactic Civilizations, all Beings and the collective of You are becoming this giant group of consciousness on a Solar and Universal level ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

Ascension, Galactics

  Greetings, we are the Arcturians and we greet you from our perspective of Being.  We flow forth as a collective form from Source and our essence is Love.  From our perspective and point of view, all is forming the new wave of Being in all Light and Love of essence.  This energy is hitting […]


Melchizedek ~ The coming days and more specifically, the energies of the eclipses, will reveal much concerning disclosure ~ As channeld by Méline Lafont


 April 24, 2013 Greetings dear ones. An extremely uplifing and beautiful time is just around the corner for all of you due to the upcoming eclipses arriving in the course of 1 month (april 25th, partial lunar eclipse, May 10th annular solar eclipse and May 25th penumbral lunar eclipse). They will surely bring about much […]


The Pleiadians ~ Be brave and excel in your tasks at hand for they are very significant and they play an important part ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

Ascension, Galactics

The Pleiadians The first contacts with us become ever more real and truthful due to the way you are evolving now. Gigantic leaps have been taken by the collective, partly thanks to the numerous lightworkers who never gave up hope remaining in their power and who continued passionately creating a strong basis for cooperation. We […]
