This time is like no other. Yet, still, we look for answers. Do you not see that the answers will come from us?
We are up to the living part. The different ways we travel and fall and get up and run and skip and hide and sleep and scream and cry through this ascension are the fabric of truth itself. Our truth. Yours. Mine. Every single one of us. All of us. Each of us. Hue-manity.
There are no “one size fits all” feelings. There is not a cloak that will protect you that is made from someone else’s pattern. There is not one destination. There are multiple speeds. ETA’s are each self-determined.
It is our tendency to ask. It is our habit to wait. It is our nature to pass things off as imaginary or illusionary or un-important. We look for repetition in order to believe what it is we are seeing with our very own eyes. We can only make sense of things using each other as backdrops and mirrors and reflectors and echoes.
We are learning to trust ourselves. These are the tentative first steps of sovereignty. We will fall often. This is not because we don’t know how to walk free. This is because we have never stepped out without our chains of bondage and also because the force of slavery is a powerful current, pushing us down with its programming; knocking us back with its broadcasts.
Each time we will have to get up and take another step, as shaky as we may feel, and then another. This is how we free ourselves.
We’ll have to stop waiting and seeking beyond ourselves. We’ll have to seek within. Then we’ll begin to talk exclusively about OUR OWN KNOWING. For it is in the recognition of ourselves as Masters that we will discover truth.
This new earth is not something someone else can paint for you. It is created BY YOU.
Understand that Mastery is not something to worship or praise or kneel before. Mastery is the expression of pure love in human form.
We needed to see that there were in fact Masters who came before us. We needed hope. We needed to remember.
We remember now.
It is time to become fully potent. You are the answers to all of your questions. You are lesser than none. No longer do you require advice and knowledge from any other. The days of subservience are over. Quote yourselves. If you’ve made an error, say so. Then, speak again.
No one can tell you what this moment holds for you. ONLY YOU can feel what it is to ascend while human. It happens NOW. And NOW. And NOW… Don’t miss it, looking for answers beyond your own heart.
Seek only to realize your truth. You are perfectly imperfect. There are ego bits you are seeing now that you would rather not notice. It’s okay. We all have them. Accept. Love. Hold precious your tender heart. It is your ego that took you this far. A necessary piece of baggage.
Cherish this moment of Ascension. It is upon all of us to show the way.
Run gently towards what makes your heart sing. It will not be the song followed by everyone. It will be your own melody; a tune written in pain, heartache, passion, and purity. It will be your love song.
Each of us came for this moment. It is upon us right now. It is not something that ends with any single thing. It is something that leads to MORE.
Stop anticipating an END to this world. Stop comparing yourself to what the others are doing.
You are here BECAUSE of your deep resonance with Gaia. You will carry and be carried by her and all that she proceeds through now. You asked for this trip and it has begun. You might want to take some notes. For one day, you will be the ones answering the questions.
We are the ones.
We have anchored the light.
It is done.
With appreciation for all that you are,
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Source: https://higherdensity.wordpress.com/2019/10/31/sophia-lovr-this-time-is-like-no-other-10-28-19/