It’s like we’ve been lead on a wild poof chase through dreaming that we are primarily physical beings. We are feeling, spiritual entities and the goal is not to attain mass or material wealth but to go inside and see the contrast that this creates with your soul.
How you don’t like some things, and inside you, you know you can feel that. That is your higher awareness, your ability to feel what you do and don’t approve from deep within corresponding to what you know to be the truth of your self awareness and compassion.
It’s like it’s a game of seeing whether you will further comparmentalize through the illusion of the mind or through the union of feeling bring back what was separated and make whole. The mind sees through separation, one feels through union.
Supporting one’s self development and character is the most valuable emotional investment one can make. What’s more important than that?
It’s like you’re walking a tight rope and each side of the balancing beam is either side of your emotional sense. You have to bare the weight equally and without personal distortion otherwise there is a fall from grace. Your protection is your capacity to feel.
Every thought contains a hidden doorway that leads in the direction to higher purpose. When one’s mind is resurrected from the fallen place, their entire timeline and bloodline is with it.
The children who are coming into this world with their feeling capacity intact have to be protected. They cannot be sheltered but they cannot be tossed to the wolves that are the corporate and industrial human trafficking program.You can only help from above, from a high mindset with care and self respect. You cannot help from down below, from the below ground level from which the problem is generated.The radiation is from the fallen timelines eroding. This is perceived as vengeful destruction of self in angst. They did this to themselves.The energy must be balanced up and down, and right to left in terms of power orientation and priority, focus and balance of mind and psyche. This is the same as flying a vehicle through the air.
It’s not that the human is broken, it’s that the mind must be made whole and if the brain is dualized through a hemispheric imbalance, it will not be able to handle the weight of reality.The uniqueness is through similarity through differences and how this can compliment and benefit the whole. At the highest energy, the mind is feeling a universe worth of information, all at once.The tech to create this place was stolen through humanity.