Notice experience is a process of removing the illusion of separation from Consciousness.
It is coming to recognize everything is interfacing in a web of energetic relationships.
Human beings are actually antennae for Light transmissions and are often blocked or steered away from doing what comes naturally.
Part of awakening is shifting from believing in interconnectedness to knowing and feeling telepathically all parts of the Universe operate together as a Whole- system.
Everything vibrates a timeless language to express this.
Only as one begins to tune into and nurture what is natural do systems come unblocked and do we begin to glimpse what is in fact real and possible.
Our sensory capacities are far more than most human beings currently experience.
Only through self-directed learning and unlearning does this change.
Talking about Sacred Geometry is one thing, then activating bio-circuitry and experiencing the world through a fully functioning endocrine system is something else.
Interacting with Light and fractals more consciously does not require psychedelics when you realize you naturally produce your own.
Everything is beckoning you to stop denying what you feel, to stop denying what you know about who you are and who you are not.
-Liara Covert