Archetype of Wholeness: Jung and the Mandala

Spiritual Perspectives

  Peter Patrick Barreda, Guest Waking Times In his writings on mandala symbolism, Carl Jung refers to the mandala as “the psychological expression of the totality of the self.” Within everyone’s psyche, to one degree or another, can be found a seed-center of the self surrounded by a chaotic maelstrom of issues, fears, passions and countless […]


Heart Consciousness Is the New Reality

Spiritual Perspectives

  By Steve Beckow Let’s continue to settle into the subject of heart consciousness. As far as I can see, saying “settle into heart consciousness” is no different than saying “imagine communing with your Higher Self.” The two – the heart and the seat of higher consciousness – are, as far as I can see, […]


ASCENDED MASTER HILARION’S WEEKLY MESSAGE MAY 10-17, 2015 ~ There are signs everywhere of the changes that are taking place upon your planet.

Spiritual Perspectives

  from Marlene Swetlishoff Beloved Ones, There are signs everywhere of the changes that are taking place upon your planet. These changes are diverse and encompass many spectrums of life. The Earth changes reflect the changes within humanity as they strive to cope and to understand what is occurring. Each tragedy that occurs brings out […]


The Universal Law Of Harmony

Spiritual Perspectives

  by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, The first, foremost and most important of all of the 20 Universal Laws is the Law of Harmony.  This is also similar to one of the 7 Cosmic Laws of Hermes Trismegistos, called The Principle of Harmony and  Balance, which states, ‘Harmony is the flow of life. Everything […]


Dancing with the Hologram

Spiritual Perspectives

  by Zen Gardner You have to admit, even if all of this is a construct for some seemingly unknown purpose, this is an incredible world we’re inhabiting. This spontaneous creative Force we’re engulfed in and intrinsically interwoven into is absolutely spectacular despite all the obstacles we encounter. That there’s an invasive parasitic force at […]


The Divine Life on Earth ~ Peter N. Borys, Jr.

Spiritual Perspectives

art by AndroidJones For many thousands of years, humanity has experienced life on Earth in a duality/polarity consciousness that is a dense frequency restriction of consciousness as physical matter.  It is a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  It operates as a conditioning within humanity through the thinking mind and a narrow range of […]



Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

  MESSAGES FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * LM-5-2015 TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY FOR EVOLVING HUMANITY Beloved masters, many of you feel as if you are in the final stretch of a long, difficult race and your energy and enthusiasm are lagging. You are growing more and more disenchanted with the glamour of your worldly existence, […]


The Silent, Peaceful Sage ~ Wes Annac

Spiritual Perspectives

  By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness I define a “sage” as someone who uses their awareness, which they find in stillness and contemplation, to subtly and quietly create positive change. The sage embodies material transcendence and expresses him or herself through love and peace, and everything flows to this quiet, still embodiment of […]


Acceptance without Rejection

Spiritual Perspectives

  Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ April 12 – 19, 2015 received by Julie Miller April 12, 2015 Every once in a while your insensible, negative emotions: hate, fear, greed, mistrustfulness, timidity, frustrations, etc. literally runs your life to what many dear souls describe as near ruin. They are unconscious and insensible simply because these destructive […]


How To Avoid False Light Teachings

Spiritual Perspectives

  by Michelle Walling, CHLC Staff writer, Are you still trying to decide which spiritual practice will work better for you over another? Are you undecided as to which way to spin your merkaba? You can stop trying to decide because every single teaching you can find outside of yourself is guaranteed to be […]
