The Masters ~ The Seat of the Soul

Spiritual Perspectives

  The Seat of the Soul December 5, 2015 The Seat of the Soul for humanity is shifting. For no longer are you embedded within the material distractions that have kept you separate from all that you are, you are now eager to seek more within the world of the unseen. This inner seeking allows […]


Message from Mike Quinsey 12-11-15… With an increase in the level of your consciousness, more souls than ever are suddenly becoming aware of how for centuries they have been misled.

Spiritual Perspectives

art by Cameron Gray Much is happening on your Earth at this time, most of which is out of sight so that you have little if any knowledge as to what is taking place. A fierce confrontation is occurring between the Light and dark Ones who are rapidly losing their influence. Gradually, long suppressed inventions or […]


What Really Matters? ~~ Zen Gardner

Spiritual Perspectives

  by Zen Gardner It’s amazing how the big questions in life are pushed to the end of the line. Sure everyone wonders about the “big stuff” on and off, but their lives are too preoccupied with other issues that they’ve been told are more pressing and important – when it’s nothing of the sort. […]



Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

  by DL Zeta, There are signposts that signal our arrival into fifth-dimensional consciousness. Love and kindness are two signposts upon which our foundation for inter-dimensional experience is based. Love is the highest vibration in the universe; kindness is a natural manifestation of love. Embracing and cultivating love and kindness carries us through the […]


Agartha Network Developments

Spiritual Perspectives

Cobra, January 7, 2015 In the West, Agartha network was integrated with the Resistance Movement more than a decade ago. In the East, it was kept as a separate entity until now for security reasons. Eastern (Asian) Agartha network was created 25,000 years ago when many immortals (xian) left the surface of the planet: […]
