The Elohim: This is more than an ID shift – it is a Transgalactic Shift of the earth to a new quantum configuration of space-time continuum

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

  by GEORGI STANKOV posted on FEBRUARY 14, 2017 Tonight I experienced the most dramatic and life-threatening event since I anchored the protuberance field with codes for the understanding of the new Theory of the Universal Law last summer. Read: August 6th and 7th, 2016: The Creation of the Protuberance Field for the Two Spiritual World Centres […]


Preparing for the Particle Convergence

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

February 7, 2017 by Tiara Kumara   The Particle Convergence is a really big occurrence for Earth and all humanity, which essentially reflects a stronger merging of dimensions and timelines into one while heralding in a swift matrix shift for our planet. The significance of this occurrence is that Earth continues to be pulled into […]


This State is Clarity

Spiritual Perspectives

  by Steve Beckow Life begins when the mind is still. It isn’t that life ends then. I really hear what I hear. I taste what I taste. I arrived in life again. I’m around. There isn’t any other part of me that wants particularly to be still but a mind that’s still makes all […]


Syntropy ~ Untwine

Spiritual Perspectives

by Untwine Darkness is based on primary anomaly, which manifests as entropy. Entropy is a term used in physics to describe the amount of energy within a system that is unavailable to be used, because the components within that system are in disorder, not where they are meant to be. The cabal has manipulated what […]
