Samadhi Movie ~ “Maya, the Illusion of the Self”
As this new season begins, let us call your attention to what is and what mostly is not happening in your world. It was forecast that this time would be chaotic on your world. We told you that most, if not all, of the structures of your societies would begin to crumble, that this is […]
We want you all to know that Gaia IS “preparing for first contact” with Her Galactic Family and desperately needs the assistance of Her awakened humans to assist Her to prepare for Her Planetary Transition into being a fifth dimensional planet. Yes, just as you are preparing for being a fifth dimensional human, Gaia […]
art by Sam Farrand Really a very interesting conversation here between Blossom and her spiritual guides from the Galactic Federation of Light. Particularly in light of the very recent “gas” attack in Syria. The end times, they are approaching fast folks and the powersthatwere are way too desperate, wouldn’t you agree? For me…it’s time […]
Every being experiences themselves as the center of their experience. Though their are many forms and circumstances in which life may exist, their is but one substance of life, one consciousness, one formless awareness seeing out of every eye, hearing out of every ear, tasting with every tongue. You are not this body, nor […]
Many kundalini awakening symptoms are result from changes to the nervous system. It is easy to confuse symptoms from a neurological or biological condition as being due to kundalini awakening. In either case, symptoms are a sign of healing and of your body trying to maintain homeostasis or to increase your energy. Kundalini symptoms […]
..”IT is said that the best teachers do not give the answers, but they lead the student down the inner path, so that they too may discover the hidden answers on their own accord and self reflection. We cannot preach to another and expect transformation, as we all know that applying behavior modifications to […]
Awakening every day to working with all of you in the sleep state. Teaching Mastery to those ready and sharing the “hows” to “do” all of this. I awake exhausted most days for years, because I work so much in my sleep (for years once becoming conscious) and as I left “seeking mode” and […]
14th April 2017. Mike Quinsey. The expected changes are taking place that are raising the vibrations, and it has been noted that your Sun appears much brighter with more of a white light. Certainly the vibrations are rapidly increasing and when they reach a certain point, Ascension will take place instantaneously. As mentioned previously, […]
The New Earth ★ There is no doubt that WE are living in transformational times. The world is shifting out of the old paradigm ruled by fear into a new New Earth of peace and harmony with universal law. For decades the Earth plane has been in the process of returning to alignment with […]
This week’s blog may be appropriate for Galactic warriors and gridworkers who have been clearing and transiting out dead light and demonic entities from the planetary black magic fields that have been conjured in black magic ritual. If you are feeling weakened and exhausted by recent influx of chaotic energies, please avoid immersing yourself […]
These are the cosmic frequencies and continued re-coding & re-structuring of our Body Field & Systems today…. The huge delicate & intricate “new linkage” processes that began a few weeks ago continue…. This is for those of us who have dropped physical density (not weight, density), have an immense amount of SPACE inside, where […]
Eric Raines – A massive false light matrix was extricated from the planetary surface, with connections to the moon, as well as Saturn being dissolved. This false light matrix has been masquerading as benevolent ET/spiritual contact for millennia and is as old as the Soul Trap technology recycling the surface population back into incarnation […]
By Lisa Brown, 03/30/2017 Plasma Crystalline LightBodies Linking Up to a Field of Super Consciousness as Crystals Form & Upgrade in Cycles That Effect How You Function In A Whole NEW Way Portal activations… Soft pristine high solar energies lift all with greater ease ♫…. As the structures of the old collapse (inside), realities re-arrange […]
by James Gilliland March 28, 2017 Masters often say the mind is a good servant, but a terrible master. In the past, the mind has taken many of us on a journey of unfulfillment and dead ends. It is like giving your car to a really bad driver repeatedly, but you cannot take away the […]
Kate Spreckley – We have reached a turning point, one that marks the crossing over into a new cycle of being. The beginning of this new cycle is marked by the Equinox on March 20th / 21st and is indicative of the new reality we will now inhabit. A new reality, which is the culmination of […]
24th March 2017. Mike Quinsey Many of you are well prepared for Ascension, but some are also lagging behind with little chance that they will really improve their position in the time that is left. However, each soul will be given every opportunity to lift themselves up, and no one else can do it […]
Anita Moorjani had terminal cancer and fell into a coma, doctors gave her just a few hours to live… Her story is one that echoes a similar experience many are having all over the world. During the coma, Anita talks about experiencing and understanding of why she got cancer in the first place. She also had […]