Enhanced Molecular Structuring of Our Silicon Crystalline DNA: Advanced Rapid DNA Conversions with the Integration of NEW SOULar Light Codes

Spiritual Perspectives

  We’ve entered Advanced Rapid Crystalline DNA Upgrades for enhancing our Silicon Crystalline LightBodies through the activation of all new codes and sequences, which move us into a whole new phase of “breakdown & restructuring” on a molecular/cellular level of all physical matter (the body and the external physical reality too). These advanced geometrics are […]


The collective experiment on planet Earth ~ Jon Rappoport

Spiritual Perspectives

  June 30, 2017 When all obsessive group-consciousness on Earth is finished, exhausted, when it admits defeat, then a different era will emerge. But for now, we are in the middle of the collective experiment. High-flying cloying sentiment, profound dependence on others, covert repression—these are the order of the day. How long until the collective […]


LISA TRANSCENDANCE BROWN – New Algorithms, Enhanced Dynamics, Electronic Cells and Super Quantum Circuitry Upgrades

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

art by Olga Kuczer   This entire last week, and especially the last 2 days, we’ve entered frequencies never before experienced here. It’s been interesting to observe, because of how they are affecting the physical body through the upgrade process. These mega-high wattage volts of current running through our bodies cause the body to go […]


Ego Creation ~ Alistar Valadez

Spiritual Perspectives

Art by Justin Bonnet   ..”They say that our ego is created when we cling to our past and define ourselves based on labels, but are we echos of the past? If we define our-self based on memory, yet in a sense we lose our memory each and every night as we lay down to […]


The Nature of the Perversion, Chaos, Harmony, The Underworld and Heaven, The Nature of Existence and Crimes Against Humanity ~ Omnipulse

Spiritual Perspectives

  The one who controls his own mind controls the universe. The one who controls other’s minds is controlled. The Nature of the Perversion The child’s mind experiences reality through a high noise to signal ratio. Bodily functions are initially the highest challenge. For an infant something as simple as expelling waste is the most […]


Biological Immortality, Self-Awareness, Free-will, Truth and Compassion ~ Omnipulse

Spiritual Perspectives

  The projects were about biological immortality. The disturbances were made apparent when individual consciousnesses were passed through a technological system to house the consciousness in between experiences on the physical Earth plane. What happens between the physical plane and the non-physical is an entire universe worth of experience, literally a ‘mirror-world’ to this one. […]
