528Hz | Miracle Tone

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528Hz Solfeggio tone creates music to calm an overactive mind and send us towards connecting with the divine. The Love frequency is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Independently confirmed by researchers, these core creative frequencies were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles and produce blessings. […]


Water Consciousness

New Science, Recommended, Videos

  What is Structured Water? The only way many of the properties of water can be explained is by understanding that water has a unique molecular structure. Certain circumstances, discussed in detail in the book, Dancing with Water, encourage water to form a repeating, geometric, molecular pattern where water becomes a liquid crystal.  The video […]


The Boy With The Incredible Brain

Alternative News, Recommended, Videos

  This is the breathtaking story of Daniel Tammet. A twenty-something with extraordinary mental abilities, Daniel is one of the world’s few savants. He can do calculations to 100 decimal places in his head, and learn a language in a week. He also meets the world’s most famous savant, the man who inspired Dustin Hoffman’s […]


¿ What is Space ?

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  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKO2Dl2dupY ++ An Atom is 99.999999999 % Empty Space ++ Nothing Is Solid And Everything Is Energy ++ SPACE ~~ A visualization from Nassim Haramein ++ Proof That Consciousness Creates Reality: Welcome To The Matrix
