The Earth Game ∞ Teri Wade

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

These are extremely tough times for the people of Earth. We are going through an Ascension in a physical body with absolutely no context on how to pull this off. We are right in the middle of a massive conflict over control of the human consciousness and the territory of Earth by extremely tyrannical powers, […]


Psycho spiritual warfare… ∞ Teri Wade

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

“Archons are psycho-spiritual parasites that intrude subliminally on the human mind, making us play out our inhumane behavior to weird and violent extremes.”There is a battle for control of this planet and the human consciousness as well as control over the human body meaning its DNA, from a very dark entity. The players are human […]


The Event 2020- Planetary DNA Activation In Progress! ∞ Michael Love

Ascension, Earth Changes, Galactics, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

Pleiadian light forces transmissions – 3222020 Channeled by Michael Love A special message to the starseeds of new earth, for immediate planetary broadcast… Prelude:the following information is derived from direct, decoded etheric transmissions from benevolent light forces docked in earth’s solar system and some of the data comes directly from certain inside earth alliance members […]


Is Coronavirus a Deep State Bioweapon attack on China planned in 2005? ∞ Michael Salla

Alternative News, Books, COVID, Galactics, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

March 14, 2020 Michael Salla In an interview and letter made available in 2010, an anonymous official within the City of London revealed a secret plan supported by high-level Masons to support a biological warfare attack against China designed to cripple its economic growth and growing military power. The biological weapon was to be part […]


Ascension Logic ∞ Georgi Stankov

Ascension, Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 14, 2020 Today I would like to expand more on the current final phase of the ascension as already discussed in my previous publication. The events are unfolding now with breathtaking speed and this is the most optimistic trend I have witnessed in the last two and half […]


Transmission Arcturian Ascension Update

Ascension, Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

Welcome travelers, starseed, healers and volunteers. We bring you word from beyond the veil. We are the Arcturian council, welcome. Star ships have entered earth’s atmosphere, the biodome is cracking under fissure pressure from all sides. Heavenly events reassure the population, the skies are lit with biblical phenomenon. Many, lost in the labyrinth, look to […]
