Darkness is Collapsing

Ascension, Zeitgeist

While lightworkers may be focused on the darkness within rising to the surface for release, darkness is disappearing from the external world as well. Hilarion tells us that “those who have been in control are desperately trying to keep the world population in a state of fear, hopelessness and apathy.” “Every such effort by these […]


The Path To Oneness ~ Owen K Waters


By becoming your brother’s keeper in a spiritual way, you become more at one with all people and the source from which we all came. Through service to others, you also serve your own spiritual development. By loving and healing them through the use of spiritual energy, you help the spiritually blind to see the […]


Believing is Seeing by Owen K Waters


Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Believing is Seeing (Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter) Today’s massive, ongoing Shift in consciousness is a shift from intellectual awareness to holistic awareness. Intellectual awareness is a function of the solar plexus chakra, where mental ability is developed in a linear direction. Examples of linear thought include the performing of arithmetic and the […]


Earth Grid, the Matrix


  Our reality is programmed to appear in a chronological Time sequence that we perceive to be finite and linear. This Time sequence is facilitated by a grid that surrounds the Earth.  It acts like a server.  Through the grid, the various programs of Time are inserted as holographic realities.  So entire civilizations are inserted […]


Shifting into Immortal Morphic Resonance


With its relentless solar flares and a magnetic field that is set to flip, our sun continues to be a major catalyst of an aggressive, planetary wide repolarization. People everywhere are feeling the transforming effects of a super amplified energy field that is now entering. From physical body changes to non-stop ‘downloads’ and developing new […]


The Comet ISON Is a Catalyst of Ascension

Ascension, Earth Changes

Foreword by Georgi Stankov, November 22, 2013 www.stankovuniversallaw.com The comet ISON is the new riddle of the astronomic society and the New Age movement. And it is an object of complete secretiveness on the part of NASA and the ruling cabal. The Internet is full of such information these days. I will however not digress and […]


James Gilliland ~ The Upcoming Shifts


We have been receiving some incredible information about the upcoming shifts, some from a 9th dimensional being who, when asked what system he comes from, told us we have no reference points so it does not really matter. These shifts peak just after Thanksgiving and just after Christmas. As in all waves they have an […]
