David Icke Interview: Bill Gates, Elon Musk & Soros Are Frontmen For The Top of the Pyramid ∞ Spiro Skouras

Alternative News, Earth Changes, Zeitgeist

By Spiro Skouras In this exclusive interview, Spiro is joined by David Icke. Spiro and David discuss the ongoing coronavirus crisis. David explains how the public is being manipulated by the system in perhaps the greatest psychological operation in history, as medical and government officials admit the numbers have been inflated. The official projected coronavirus […]


New Evidence CV Is An Escaped Experiment; U.S. Funded Wuhan Lab $3.7M Studying Bats, Safety Warnings ∞ Aaron Kesel

Alternative News, COVID, Earth Changes, Zeitgeist

By Aaron Kesel A new documentary film by Epoch Times in collaboration with NTD (New Tang Dynasty Television), both based in New York, details additional concerning – and potentially horrifying – facts that the Wuhan coronavirus is a biological experiment that either escaped or was deliberately released (see at end of article). This comes as […]


Are Deep State Satanists being Arrested under Cover of Defender Europe 20 Exercises? ∞ Dr. Michael Salla

Alternative News, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

Written by Dr Michael Salla on March 20, 2020 While much of Europe has been closed off due to the Coronavirus pandemic, elite military forces from 17 NATO and partner countries are using the Defender Europe 20 Military Exercizes as a cover to arrest leading Deep State Satanists entrenched in fortified European compounds, according to […]


The Great Pandemic: What’s Really Going On? ∞ David Wilcock

Alternative News, COVID, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

  David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL) Sign up for the entire FREE series of four live masterclasses here: https://greatawakening.pages.ontrapor…     And after we did the show, we got a link to this… go see it for yourself: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.11…   “Chinese doctors have discovered the coronavirus is designed to attach to lung receptors that […]


3 Things Sheeple Do That You Don’t Have To ∞ Dylan Charles

Alternative News, Zeitgeist

   Do you ever get that feeling like you’re surrounded by automatons, people who merely mimic life, without really living it? Sheeple, as they may be called, are otherwise ordinary folks who’ve adapted particularly well to the workforce/consumer/obedience training agenda. They’ve been taught to be docile, foolish and easily led. They’re particularly keen at following mainstream narratives and […]


Is Coronavirus a Deep State Bioweapon attack on China planned in 2005? ∞ Michael Salla

Alternative News, Books, COVID, Galactics, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

March 14, 2020 Michael Salla In an interview and letter made available in 2010, an anonymous official within the City of London revealed a secret plan supported by high-level Masons to support a biological warfare attack against China designed to cripple its economic growth and growing military power. The biological weapon was to be part […]


COVID-19 Coronavirus “Fake” Pandemic: Timeline and Analysis ∞ Michel Chossudovsky

Alternative News, COVID, Zeitgeist

Background On January 30th 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in relation to China’s novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) categorized  as a viral pneumonia.  The virus outbreak was centred in  Wuhan, a city in Eastern China with a population in excess of 11 million. In the week prior to January 30th decision, the […]


Coronavirus: Joe Rogan Experience #1439 – Michael Osterholm

Alternative News, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, […]


STAGED CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: An International Criminal Conspiracy of Epic Proportions

Alternative News, COVID, Earth Changes, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

The Most Premeditated and Highly OrganizedDepopulation Scheme in World History Wuhan coronavirus pandemic STAGED to cover-up thepublic health crisis caused by the intensive 5G roll-outin Wuhan City in 2019 SPECIAL NOTE: It’s of vital importance for every bioweapon expert, medical researcher, bioengineering scientist and investigative journalist to comprehend the true complexity of this global depopulation […]
