Global Capitalism, “World Government” and the Corona Crisis ∞ Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Alternative News, Zeitgeist

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. (President Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 17, 1961) *** The World is being misled concerning the causes and consequences of the corona […]


Psycho spiritual warfare… ∞ Teri Wade

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

“Archons are psycho-spiritual parasites that intrude subliminally on the human mind, making us play out our inhumane behavior to weird and violent extremes.”There is a battle for control of this planet and the human consciousness as well as control over the human body meaning its DNA, from a very dark entity. The players are human […]


Is Coronavirus A Plandemic? Exposing The Truth Behind America’s COVID-19 Strategy ∞ Dr. Judy Mikovits

Alternative News, COVID, Zeitgeist

Activist & Former Medical Researcher Judy Mikovits is an American activist. As research director of a CFS research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006-2011, Mikovits led a research effort that reported in 2009 that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) was associated with CFS and may have had a causal role. In 1980, Mikovits was awarded a Bachelor […]


Dr. Fauci’s Attempt to Silence Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits Which Destroyed her Career

Alternative News, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

May 7, 2020 The Truth About Fauci—Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits “Judy Mikovits is Among Her Generation’s Most Accomplished Scientists.” —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., ChairmanChildren’s Health Defense Dr. Mikovits joined NIH in 1980 as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the National Cancer Institute and began a 20-year collaboration with Frank […]


The Earth Game.. ∞ Teri Wade

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives, Zeitgeist

These are extremely tough times for the people of Earth. We are going through an Ascension in a physical body with absolutely no context on how to pull this off. We are right in the middle of a massive conflict over control of the human consciousness and the territory of Earth by extremely tyrannical powers, […]


True Divine Potential ∞ Alistar Valadez

Spiritual Perspectives

…”Many people think that to be a god or a goddess requires magic and superhuman powers like we see in movies or our favorite television series, but if we just look closely at our own bodies, looking closer at how our nervous system works, looking at how intricate our blood vessels and chemical patterns work, […]


Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans

Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

Coordinated Censorship Campaign Against Planet Of The Humans Leads To It Being Taken Down From YouTube Where It Had Been Viewed 8.3 Million Times Read more… “Day 4: Still banned. Our YouTube channel still black. In the United States of America. The public now PROHIBITED from watching our film “Planet of the Humans” because it calls out the […]


Encounters ∞ Teri Wade

Spiritual Perspectives

Nothing in this Universe happens by chance even the most insignificant event is there for a purpose. Life is a journey of experiences and everyone of your experiences holds value. Throughout our life we meet different people that play different roles and serve different purposes. Some teach us life lessons and some leave no lasting […]


Buddhist Prayer

Spiritual Perspectives

If I have harmed anyone, in any way, either knowingly or unknowingly through my own confusions, I ask forgiveness. If anyone has harmed me, in any way, either knowingly or unknowingly through their own confusions, I forgive them. And if there is a situation I am not yet ready to forgive, I forgive myself for […]
