Dr. David Martin | The TRUTH About COVID-19

Alternative News, COVID, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

How You Can Too – https://tapme.ws/FMDqH8Are You An Airline Employee? Join the Airline Injunction Action Against the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: https://rumble.com/vnldb5-attention-airline-employees-dont-want-to-take-the-covid-19-vaccines-must-wa.htmlRequest COVID-19 vaccine religious exemptions:www.JacksonLahmeyer.comwww.newlifeharvestchurch.org/Get the 100% Affordable & Effective COVID-19 Treatments At: https://timetofreeamerica.com/proven-treatments/#scroll-contentwww.VladimirZelenkoMD.com/ – 7,000 COVID-19 Patients (3 Deaths)www.Sherwood.TV – 9,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths)www.MeehanMD.com – 3,200 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths)www.OneCrossHealth.com – 1,500 COVID-19 […]


Evidence Indicates COVID-19 is a Designed Bioweapon with a Toxic Structure that MAY BE REPLICATED IN VACCINES ∞ Lawrence Sellin

Alternative News, COVID, New Science, Zeitgeist

Guest post by Lawrence Sellin Evidence indicating COVID-19 is a designed bioweapon with a toxic structure that may be replicated in vaccines A previous Gateway Pundit article identified two “smoking guns” supporting the conclusion that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory. First, a de facto scientific recipe for the laboratory creation of COVID-19 was described […]


MAC-cinated: Pattern identification in coronavirus vaccines – Nanorouters

Alternative News, COVID, New Science, Recommended, Transhumanism, Videos, Zeitgeist

November 26, 2021 La Quinta Columna has gained the support of several researchers both in Spain and around the world. A prominent researcher among those collaborating with them is the author of the Corona2Inspect blog, Mik Andersen, who’s carrying out “high-level research work“, as described by Dr. Pablo Campra during the presentation he gave on […]


Graphene Oxide Wireless Network: Bioweapon Shots Contain Wireless Nanosensor ∞ Stew Peters

Alternative News, COVID, New Science, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

On this show, we’ve repeatedly mentioned the work by “La Quinta Columna” in Spain. That name means “the Fifth Column,” and it’s a group of dissident research who have investigated these vaccines. Most importantly, they’re the ones who studied a vaccine sample and found graphene oxide in it. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid is a professor […]


World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court

Alternative News, COVID, Zeitgeist

Indian Bar Association on November 25, 2021 World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court. [Kiran Yadav Vs. State and ors.Criminal Writ Petition (St.) 18017 of 2021] Petitioner has sought prosecution of AstraZeneca’s (Covishield) […]


Zimbabwe Man Invents An Electric System That Charges Itself

Free Energy, New Science

In Brief The Facts:Sangulani (Maxwell) Chikumbutso has invented an electric system that runs off a battery that charges itself with electromagnetic radiation that’s present naturally in the environment. It can run forever. Reflect On:Why do these technologies not get mainstream media attention? Why are they often ridiculed instead of explored with curiosity and excitement? What […]


Does Consciousness Create Our Material Reality? ∞ Arjun Walia

New Science

In Brief The Facts:A new study authored by Robert Lanza suggests observers” are responsible for determining physical reality, and that conscious observers themselves generate and create the structures of time and space. Reflect On:We observers, people like you and I, are responsible for how consciousness forms into physical matter, what does this say about the […]
