They say that faith is for those who have a fear of hell, whereas spirituality is for those who have been to hell and returned as an empowered being ∞ Alistar Valadez

Spiritual Perspectives

“They say that faith is for those who have a fear of hell, whereas spirituality is for those who have been to hell and returned as an empowered being, not unlike Christ, Buddha, and all the other prophets, sages, and mystics throughout the ages. For those who have awakened within the illusion of ego are […]


The Cosmic Divine Trinity ∞ Romeo Baron

Spiritual Perspectives

The Cosmic Divine Trinity “12D Christed Identity Re-alignment Mission” The Trinity-Source Code is the organic Crystalline form of all Sacred Spiritual Union. In Embodiment this refers to Hieros Gamos, the fusion of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Subharmonics of sound vibrational currents and energy. The unified hierogamic expression does not only refer to the […]


Breaking Through to the Other Side ∞ LISA RENEE

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

There are many groups of people on the earth that must be directed into another consciousness pathway or future timeline based upon their consciousness hierarchal level in the frequency fields. The bifurcation is the framework for the Consciousness Corridors being outlined as the indication for future direction of the individual and where its group consciousness frequency will evolve in […]


Lightbody, The Shift – Carbon 12 (666) to Carbon 7 (616)


“Listen, I tell you a mystery/secret: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”(1 Corinthians 15:51-53) The Light Body Process The transformation of […]


The Biocrystal

New Science, Spiritual Perspectives

“The human energy field exists as an array of oscillating energy points that have a layered structure and a definite symmetry and these properties fulfill the definition of a normal crystal in material form” – Marc Vogel The human body is a universe onto itself; a vast, intricate system of incredible sensitivity and detail. It […]


Psilocybin and Mindfulness Meditation Combined: Possible Hope for Treatment of Depression and Anxiety? ∞ Nikki Harper

Entheogens, New Science

It has long been known that psilocybin, found in ‘magic mushrooms’, can create feelings of a connection to the collective consciousness, and a dissolution of the self – often in experiences which prove positively life-changing for the participants [1]. Now new research has for the first time examined the effect of adding mindfulness meditation to […]
