A Message to all Star Seeds – We did it!
My beloved family of Light, we have come to the end of the Star Seed Ascension cycle on Gaia. The past several years have seen many ups and downs as we each worked to bring Heaven to Earth. By working to complete our own ascension, we were simultaneously bringing Heaven to Earth as ONE. Creating the energetic structures within our bodies and on Gaia that as ONE structure created the Diamond SUN Body of the collective consciousness. The entire template of the Great Cosmic Matrix has been replicated on Gaia so that all souls on this planet can begin their ascension into the higher realms – so that all souls on this planet can join the company of Heaven where all rightfully belong.
The Star Seeds represent the physical embodiment of the company of Heaven as well as the framework, matrix or blueprint of Heaven itself. We are it and it is us. And through the collective ascension every soul on Gaia will join the company of Heaven. Through our ascension, Heaven was brought to Earth to support the collective ascension of this star system. Although it appeared that we worked mostly individually – energetically we worked as ONE. We have co-created as separate souls or created as ONE consciousness the entire preparation and implementation of the atomic structure or blueprint needed to support the collective realities of this evolving star system. The past seven years have been compacted with challenging and rewarding moments as each of us has worked to fully embody the frequency of consciousness we are here to be. It has been an honor journeying with all of you. Those I personally know and those I do not. We are ONE Pure Consciousness creating through these vessels.
For many years we have worked collectively to build the entire energetic structure on Gaia. Many Star Seeds have traveled all over the globe working directly with Gaia and all of us have been working on our own selves. It was a massive co-creation of ONE consciousness in many vessels. Now, the entire structure has finally been completed and is currently in the process of being activated. All the crystals planted, grids cleared, sacred sites activated, gateways opened, stargates brought online, etc. has finally come to an end. WE DID IT!! On December 12th as we passed through the final gateway of the Star Seed Ascension, the very last activation took place on Gaia – the twelfth dimensional stargate was activated signalling the completion of the Star Seed Ascension to bring Heaven to Earth. This was the final activation needed to complete and activate the entire structure that is the Diamond SUN Body of the collective consciousness of Gaia and end the cycle. Now that the structure is built, all portals and gateways remain open infinitely so that all souls on Earth can evolve and ascend organically at the right pace through each until an eternal Golden Age of Light is reached and this entire star system fully embodies! Simultaneously, as completing this structure, the collective ascension was physically birthed and a new cycle began.
Congratulations to all the beautiful amazing volunteer souls incarnated here on Gaia!! The structure is complete. Heaven is here on Earth and now the souls of Earth can begin their ascension and evolution into an eternal Golden Age – into Heaven! The structure is being activated from now until the Winter Solstice Gateway when it becomes fully activated and we can collectively move to New Earth. Share the good news! Sound the trumpets! New Earth is here for all! We have built the structure of Heaven on Earth by becoming the fabric of it ourselves, by becoming and weaving the golden thread of the Cosmos that is Pure Consciousness, that is Love! Love is the fabric of creation! By increasing our frequency we increased the amount of Love present on Earth. We brought Love to the planet. Heaven is Love! God is Love! Love is all there is!
I love each and every one of you beautiful souls as a part of myself. I AM honored to be here with you all and look forward to creating the eternal Golden Age of Light on Gaia together as ONE.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/AscensionEnergies/posts/2211717595596814:0
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God Bless, today begin, a new..u
In love and light, of one.bless we, our.our father, in Heaven…our, names, unknown, for, I’m not, the clothes, I ware, with, money, bought..from cloths, of thread, grown, with greed.illusion, no more