.”If we are still breathing then our life still serves a greater purpose beyond our knowing, we may never control the sways of our emotions just like we can never control the waves of the ocean, but each day as we breathe we can rest assure that darkness and the resonance of lower vibrations always makes way for the inner fire that eternally burns awaiting our presence and solace! Even when life brings us conflicts and struggles, our unconscious reactions may get the best of us in the fire of the moment, but we shouldn’t necessarily think our anger is wrong or bad, it’s only negative when we use it to work against us and destroy that which we hold onto the closest! Claim that inner dragon as your own fire breathing calling, there are times that the energy of fire is needed, there are times karma warrants that torrent, but also know that fire within us only works for us as long as we stay focused on the choices we are making on a daily moment. Never give up on your journey, never give up on the path that is unfolding, continue to step into the unknown knowing that your presence is effecting even those you do not even notice! The Universe is like a mirror within our mind to reflect upon, not unlike dreams which stir up emotions, by showing us a true reflection of the state of our consciousness. Trust that the Universe has a bigger plan for your passion and essence, know it in your core that your life has a deeper meaning, and you too can know this is so just by remembering that you are breathing!” ~Alistar Valadez…
Art by: Juliana Garces Art “True Reflection”