…”They say science is missing half the view of reality, for without carrying the inner perspective of the multidimensional layers of mind, the outer perspective becomes but a measurement of unconscious impulse and desires! As far as a rational explanation as to the nature of our mind, it seems the deeper we come to terms with our own layers of unconsciousness, we will notice that same energy is behind the fabric of all reality, and it’s not absolute nor stable. So to define IT through science would only be capturing a snapshot of a system that is in fluid motion, just as if we define ourselves today, we limit who we were in our past and what we can become in the future! To reach the inner path of expansion requires facing our own unconscious shadow in silence, many can reach this state with meditation and breathing techniques, for others sacred plant medicines dissolves the ego and opens a portal into the inner mystical vision. The best words to describe the psychedelic experience is within expressing of its reflective nature, for when we come to terms with and face our daily unconscious influence, we can see these patterns emerge within the mystical and in our outer daily experience. But most tend to not want to accept and embrace the darker qualities of our true inner nature, resisting the conflicts of drama within the inner and outer life path journey, for without carrying the balance of the darker and lighter aspects of our spectrum of being, one can never really have deep understanding of our own mystical nature! It’s like one who dismisses their dreams, they miss the lesson embedded within the experience, which is to look closer as to how we react within these experiences. Do we repeat our habits of pattern, reacting to our fears, or do we learn through the lessons and transcend to higher levels!?” ~Alistar Valadez/DMT…