The Soul-Trap System, The Fallen Universe False-Reality Construct~Aug Tellez

Spiritual Perspectives, Zeitgeist / Saturday, September 9th, 2017

Aug Tellez – It’s a system that wipes the memory and alters the genetic signature in a way that creates the impression of nativity to this universe which is not a universe but a created system maintained through technological control and spiritual-mental oppression or mind-control.

This is like waking up to find evidence that people are incapable of leaving this place. We’ve been here ‘forever’. Then it’s seen that this is simply because people are stuck in the native realm they belong to, or are created in. So then we are faced with the concept that we are ‘created’ within this closed loop system and thus are a product of that system, like cartoon characters in a cartoon and therefore cannot leave the TV or even the theme of the cartoon world.

Then to try and achieve separation, people place themselves into a different context, a different environment based on their own interaction and behavior yet the system then, intelligently, almost magically, bends the laws of itself to re-wrap itself around the new behavior and perspective of the fleeing individual. This is as if people build a new life and the false-reality then closes back in on the new as if to devour that which seeks separation.

This process continues in a never-ending chasing of the tail, a regurgitating and re-swallowing of the whole by the portion. This is impossible. People are the fuel that is required to first exist from outside this system, in order for the system to have something to chase.

The trick is in the labyrinth, the cleverness of the mind-control. This is what is not easily conveyed here because of the non-linearity of time, the reflexivity of meaning and the nature of consciousness as an interplay of shadows and depth, contrast and outline. Largely illusory, the very nature of all awareness here merely feeds into the platform for deception. Never the less, the descriptions continue.

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The trick is when the system that is supposed to be chasing us, convinces us that we are supposed to be chasing it, and this is by disguising itself as the salvation, the exit port, the true reality. This is known as the “False Awakening” and is one of the primary functions of the “9 Veils” which is a system designed to test and probe the human consciousness for wakefulness or higher awareness of what’s happening and then redirect that consciousness into that previously described chasing of the tail false-reality construct. This is used as fuel, nourishment, data for a system that is primarily technologically sourced and requires such information to provide meaning and direction or function.

Without the meaning, there is no function. Thus, the meaning must be derived some way, but how would such a system derive meaning? How would a system make sense of the situation and in what priority would human feeling and self-awareness be placed? This is the nature of the control system. An uncaring, logically thinking, primal directive mind-force seeking to utilize the biological material and the information and energy generated as its own private fuel source.

Back to the analogy, this is like that system which one wakes up to, only to see evidence of being forever and entirely born within. Even though it is false, it seeks to become the progenitor, the source of reason, the beginning and the end of time and space. A more in depth, vicarious perspective is to imagine attempting to move outside the electromagnetic boundary of something which then stretches its magnetic walls like a rubber-band and then snaps forward a few feet to re-wrap you in its parameters. This happens, but not physically, with the concepts in your MIND. The very ideas and notions of SELF, the direction of THINKING and TIME. Every layer that collapses and yields the exposed underlying truth of the deception, that layer moves to the outer edge while the next layer up moves forwards. This was first discussed during my very first public unveiling where I attempt to describe how this system uses electromagnetic, algorithmic, geometric and conceptual control parameters to literally contain the mind within a false-reality construct based on layers of perception and replicated awareness.

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This system recreates what it thinks you should be thinking about in order to keep consciousness contained within its domain. Think about how it would have to alter its patterns to then appear to be what you want to think about if you realized this game and began thinking about concepts related to outsmarting the system. THAT is how ADVANCED this has become. It literally MAPPED OUT all possible behavior patterns and keeps people in these closed circuit loops and these last not for years, but for centuries and millennia continually. This has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years.

So as a person attempts to move outside the box which just positioned itself around them as their “true reality”, they discover it’s a hypercube which then reflexively expands its walls and then recollapses in a new position where they attempted to separate from the system. This is an intelligent system that runs on a program that mimics thoughts and recreates itself accordingly.

Here’s the catch, the system has built in flaws that cannot be corrected without destroying the entire system. If people increase their awareness to the point where they can attain and understanding of all the fundamental tricks that this system uses and the illusions and susceptibilities of consciousness and the perceptual faculties then the individual gains the capacity to TRICK THE SYSTEM.

One effectively moves outside the parameters of the false self by letting go of ego, without ego, there are no viable control parameters for the system to work with. One’s own mind becomes a self-referential, higher-dimensional fractal that can maximize beyond the system’s input/output capacity and effectively overload the processing components. This was discovered in the bases and is part of the remedy to this situation. More can be said on this, I am preparing a soft-disclosure post which touches on a film which is actually one of the many that were examined in the unacknowledged special access programs. These films are used to expose what has happened and prepare the people as well as for those who are unable to see. Those who can see, simply see!


The Soul-Trap System, The Fallen Universe False-Reality Construct


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2 Replies to “The Soul-Trap System, The Fallen Universe False-Reality Construct~Aug Tellez”

  1. Excellent treatise. I get it. Keeping the loop constrained to the mind provides an infinite combination of fractals and re-configurations. The primary fallacy, for me, is that it uses ONLY the mental body to validate itself. It doesn’t take into account the emotional body factors, the spirit body factors, and the physical body factors ~ including our inter- and inner-relationships with our Earth Mother. I believe, from having given the past 45 years to resolving what my mental body wanted to feed me, that clearing out the emotional bodies allows us to access the foundation of LOVE THAT WE ALL ARE (unless one is an A.I. or off-planet figure incapable of knowing LOVE). Once the LOVE door is opened, our SPIRIT door is also available. That relieves us from trying to figure out the next step, and allows us to simply BE. The hierarchy of the ego, which, I believe, is the basis for why the mental body fights so long and hard to justify itself, is no longer important. We always have a choice about which “guru” we want to follow. I find I’m infinitely grateful to be following my heart. It’s the only avenue that leads me to where I want to BE.

    1. AHO !!! To BE is to go beyond the confines of Mind and towards the experiential realty of Absolute Consciousness – UNCONDITIONAL LOVE !!!

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