art by Benedigital
..”When we encounter a Divine Moment of Truth and cross that inner threshold, we suddenly discover the realization of love and interconnection that we all have been yearning for, as many of us have been seeking for IT in the outer for most of our lives, but what we really have been missing is the interconnection with true love, the love that can radiate from deep within us. The crown jewel of being should be manifesting the body and mind into a living spirit, for that is far more powerful than repeating all the combined knowledge within this reality, yet far too many of us get caught up worshiping our methods or systems, and to worship a tool or method is not unlike worshiping a religion. Whether we use Buddhism or Hinduism for example, to reach the state of non-duality, its not so much the religion that is the key, but the process of our own self reflection within the experience that transcends our limited reality. Even those who take sacred plant medicines or use psychedelic chemicals, can still deeply be rooted within ego and illusion, just to a higher degree, ideal, or image. The point is to find your key, the catalyst that works for you, than our job is to finish the inner work by going all the way and discovering who we really ARE, as we transcend and dissolve the illusions within our living daily reality!” ~Alistar Valadez…