The White Temple of ONE Inner Light
“WE are going through a complete paradigm shift. It’s not just a small change WE are going into. It is not just the arrest of the cabal, it’s not just disclosure, it’s not just a release of intel, and it’s a complete change of life on this planet as WE know it. It’s an entrance into a new reality system without money, without struggle, without suffering and without duality. And it’s a cosmic change, it’s not just a little clean-up operation on the surface of the planet. It’s much more than that.” ★
~ Cobra
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“If humankind would accept and acknowlegde the responsibility and creatively enganged in the process of evolution, consciously as well as unconsciously, a new reality would emerge, and a New Earth could be born.” ★
~ Jonas Salk
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“The beings that control and manipulate others and who vibrate at a low frequency will have no place in this new frequency of Earth. In fact, as the frequency gap between 3d and 5d+ increases, it will be impossible for this kind of vibration to exist where you are.
The universe, as well as the divine guides of the New Earth who will represent a more intelligent and healed society will properly deal with these low vibrational entities until they are all completely healed and able to enter into the new society that is coming.” ★
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LOVE, ONE Inner Light & a New Earth to EveryONE ★