The World As We Know It Has Changed And There Is No Going Back

Spiritual Perspectives, Zeitgeist / Sunday, January 17th, 2016

earth consciousness


by Michael Forrester

Just over four years ago, we passed a portal to the unknown. A place where human consciousness has never been. There were doubters and skeptics regarding the process of ascension, but it is here…it is now and there is no going back. The new energy is all-encompassing, pervasive and undeniable, even to those who deny it. At no other time in the history of this planet has human consciousness been higher than it is right now. The Earth and its inhabitants are now on a course to change the nature of human populations to such an extent, that societies will be unrecognizable in less than 50 years and there is absolutely nothing that can stop it.

Imagine the same tune playing on your radio for your entire life. That’s all that would resonate. Earth has become accustomed and adapted to the same tune for the last 300,000 years. Same frequency with little or no change, until now.

Contrary to your history books, there have been many advanced civilizations on Earth before this one and all of them have failed. They failed because spiritual thought could not keep up with advanced technology. They failed to recognize that nature and life itself was benevolent. They were unable to appreciate the true connection humanity had to its creative source. That has changed and is changing.

Where Are We Now?

Humanity has come a long way from its loss of group identity and development of individual identity in the third dimension. It is the only dimension which suffers from the illusion of separation from Spirit. It is one of the few places where souls come to experience atheism for it is not possible in higher dimensions. The third dimension was a vibration that created the illusion of separation so intensely that it presented a tremendous challenge to those attempting to raise frequency among Earth’s inhabitants. Humans in this dimension focused on their mortality, their need to mate, owning material things, controlling their space and obtaining personal power to rule others.

Presently humanity is still going through a transitional period into fourth density or fifth dimensional reality which can account for many accelerated changes. It is from here that many lessons about integration are learned. This is the most intense of all levels in its cultivation of growth with our innate self or who we truly are.

The egoic mind has had a difficult time giving up its attachments and expectations to particular outcomes. While we all thirst for change, we also fear the unknown. The ego likes to be in control, and rapid change requires releasing it and being in the present moment which is very difficult for people. Most are not at ease stepping outside of their comfort zone. Moving forward this year, they will have no choice.

Where Are We Going?

Somewhere beautiful, but the speed at which we get there depends on how humanity can evolve their perspective. The coming years, especially 2016, 2017, 2018 will propel volumetric awareness, superconsciousness, reintegration of group identity but without a loss of ego identity. At the moment there are many light workers who are consciously and unconsciously assisting in this process. But there are many millions more who will join the frequency in the next few years. Where it took some light workers on the planet decades to awaken, the coming wave will awaken in less than one month–some within days. It will be a viral awakening that will ripple through people so quickly that it will be known as a telepathic process of realization. Yes, it will be that profound. How? Chaos. The chaos coming will actually initiate this process.

The dark energies on the planet have already lost their power in maintaining negatively oriented consciousness. However, that which is dark is not mature or intelligent and will create its own demise. The dark is ignorant to light. It can only imagine itself. If you think things can’t get any worse, the dark energy might surprise you. They will now shift into sixth gear, bringing fear, terrorism, war, anger, anxiety and all at levels you likely have not seen in your lifetime. The worst things they can think of are coming your way, but without the realization that you have already moved past them. Nevertheless, economic collapse, a dramatic terror event, major war and even a natural (or touted as natural) disaster may occur. Note that there are already several terrorist attacks planned in 2016. Some are quite large. Yet we continue to transmit more light on many of these events and the timeline is changing. What is planned may or may not come to fruition. They are only possibilities and you decide if they manifest in your reality.

What is coming will be specifically engineered to make you doubt your emotional and spiritual intelligence and make you question where we are going as a planet. They will try and they will fail. But in the meantime, you will see things that may make you uncomfortable depending on your perspective. It’s all about manipulation to gain an emotional vantage point. How can you learn and grow from these situations? How can you realign after these events? You can be at peace in the midst of chaos or you can dive into these experiences head first as blind as a bat with reaction first and questions later. You have the choice to be in either place, but it must be made perfectly clear that the level of consciousness now on the planet will not be swayed by ANY attempt to deter where we are going. It is here to stay. So thank the dark energy for doing its job, pat them on the back and each time they activate lower frequencies, send them all a message “not today.”


As vibration increases, perception of past, present, and future will become more fluid along with the ability to interface with multidimensional and multidensity realities. There will be an increased desire for unity, peace and unconditional love as opposed to the illusion of separation and division between people and nature. The vibrationary rate will increase and therefore many will be faced with personal issues in a much more rapid and intense way.

1) Transformational Biology

Genetically modified and poisonous foods filled with artificial chemicals and dangerous preservatives have spanned the globe. They have brought disease and ill effects to human health. Again, these foods and their production have had a role in awakening the human mind and body. Their vibration cannot exist in the dimension which humans will soon reside. You will not feel drawn to eating these foods and will simply avoid them. They will essentially begin to disappear. You will also begin to learn how to heal any condition in your body as your innate smart body grows and begins to connect with superconsciousness. This will begin with pain for many and shifting frequencies will enable you to better align with your cellular structure. It will be innate. You will not need to learn it or acquire the information. It will suddenly be there one day and you will wonder where it came from. Health will solve itself as you align with healing frequencies. In the next century people will live well beyond 150 years. Once human DNA begin operating above 50% (it is now less than 30%), it will transform the human body. Linear immunity cannot effectively fight invaders because all it sees is defense. Multiple levels of awareness will allow cellular and humoral immunity to move beyond any expectations of your scientists.

2) Governments On Old Energy Will Cease To Exist

Human consciousness will change politics forever. If governments are not onboard with the new energy, they will not be elected or in power much longer. Governments have had the most important role in awakening the world. Through their constant need to control populations and the flow of money, they persisted with wars not for peace but for profit. The delivery of such profits always went to the dark side–non-government elite entities with no accountability to anyone but themselves. They played this dark role so that the majority of humans could awaken and move on to other realms of vibration. They have done their job very well and their time has now come to an end. Humans are now awakening to the reality of the dark side which has fooled so many for so long. They have mastered this role so well, that many humans were convinced that governments were acting in their best interests. When the old energy meets the new, the old will lose and not necessarily in physical conflict but emotional and spiritual. Alliances will change. There will come a day when Muslims and Jews will align themselves to fight common enemies. North Korea and South Korea will unify in the best interest of their populations. There will be a grand battle of light and dark and the dark will lose. That timeline is no longer a possibility. It is a certainty.

3) Youngest Generations Are Carrying The Most Wisdom

Gone are the days when people believe our elders carried all the wisdom. The youngest generations are refuting this concept and they would be right. The children being born at this time will teach their parents things that many cannot imagine. They are wired for innate intelligence and wisdom that carry with it enhanced DNA capabilities with increased frequency transmissions that were not possible with older generations. They are some of the oldest souls to ever walk the Earth. Before the age of ten, they will know who they are, where they came from in their last life and why they are here. If their parent’s philosophies, morals, religion, etc, conflict with their own, they will reject them at a very young age. They will carry an integrity and purpose for the Earth that was near impossible for humans to maintain on the old energy. They will transform the entertainment industry and any other industry that influences human consciousness. And they will do it with ease and with and antagonism from older generations who will want to keep things as they are. We always say children will change the world, but in this case they actually will by the time they are 15 years old. Yes, they will be that wise. Many of these children have already been born and you will recognize them when it is time. Some of these children will be born to some of you reading this.

4) Tolerance

This is perhaps one of the most important elements moving forward for those wishing to maintain a higher frequency. Play the old energy game with a smile. Do not impose your views on those unprepared to accept them. It can become toxic to their sensibilities. Allow others to grow in whatever way they need to. There is no one way to God and there is no judgement there. In fact, there is one very simple way to know how valid any religious doctrine is. Does their book state that God judges others? Does their book state that God condones acts of violence on others who oppose him? It is there where we find a truth that resonates or not. God does not judge, ever! But we must allow others to experience their path. If that means allowing others to follow a book of intolerance, then yes. It means having more tolerance of religious views or any view that does not agree with your own. Allowing other perspectives that contrast with who and what you are. Allowing others to maintain a belief system for their own growth at whatever cost it may come. It is a knowing that there is no wrong path and all truths are true, defined by perspective and tolerated by beings who appreciate that we are on a planet of free will. Most of all, love those who contrast with you most. They are teachers as are you to them, but if at least one of you does not recognize that, all is lost. If you’re reading this, you know you are awake, so step up to the plate as the master that you are and take ownership to guide others who are incapable of guiding themselves. That is why you are here…AND YOU KNOW IT!





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