The Smokescreen of Symbology

Spiritual Perspectives / Friday, April 29th, 2016



Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” – Adyashanti

by Zen Gardner

It’s hard yet not hard to imagine how humanity has embraced religion and all its entrapments. Induced external belief systems that seem to take into account our innate hunger for spirituality abound on our co-opted, abducted planet. And underlying almost every religion are notions of symbolic worship in some form. This is a whole study in itself but nevertheless quite curious, yet understandably an easy focal point. And it’s been there since time immemorial.

Is there an ultimate reason or purpose for this?

It’s just amazing how wrong humanity gets it. Whether these ongoing feudalistic wars for whatever carrot of power, mass illusions dangled in humanity’s face, or the overarching schemes of false scarcity and the massively debilitating fear of death, humanity, you have to admit, has a propensity for being duped.

I’ve been duped. You’ve been duped. The bullshit almost exceeds comprehension. At least for us, the objects of it. Until we wake up to it.

Shallow, Synthetic Mimicry Cannot Succeed

It’s extremely empowering to realize that all of their machinations are simply mimicry, reflecting or imposing what we have a propensity for. They learn from observing our minds. Their tactics are imitational and literally de-creational, an entropic breaking down of naturally occurring creative processes as best they can keep up. But one thing you can count on, they’ll eventually fail in any of these efforts when you stand back and consider they are up against the infinite creative Source itself.

Ever renewing Gaia and our infinite Universe stand as testament to this.

Theirs is an elaborate sham for the purpose of ensnarement to capture our creative energy and use it for their own self-serving ends. If we fall for it, it works for the time being. When we wake up to what’s going on and withdraw our consent and participation, it crumbles. It’s that simple. It sounds very much like a made up sci-fi scenario because it actually is. Science fiction means false, made up science. “Science” translates literally as “knowing”, not conjecture, theory or social engineering ideas as the concept and so-called field of study or knowledge is used today. This amorphous and continually shifting sci-fi stuff is exactly what the powers that be use to justify almost anything and everything.

And they play that card big time, from phony science and political shams to Hollywood, sterile education and the manipulated media, every type of social control imaginable gets foisted on us.

Show me one religion or religiously held belief system that isn’t one of these same elaborate scams. They’re spectacular in their assertions. And where did that all come from?

Symbols and Directed Humanity

It’s understandable in many ways and you can say it’s just symbolic, but this culturally all-pervasive phenomenon of symbol worship throughout the ages to me epitomizes humanity’s propensity for faith in the tangible smokescreen versus the Source. It plays on mankind’s propensity to trust in something it can physically and emotionally see and feel instead of in a great seemingly unknown wonder, despite the fact that earlier cultures were much more spiritually oriented than the world we find ourselves in today and had much humbler and more connected lives.

In this less than natural morass of modern humanity, something that brings accountability to connect and understand more and thus be more responsible doesn’t go over very well. It’s not comfortable. It requires effort. This is also why the archontic jehovah-type benign ruler meme is so powerful–”god” apparently looks the same authoracratic way as our rulers. Grandfatherly, statesman like, all-knowing and extremely powerful. Yet this is someone you can trust, as well as fundamentally fear. And every ruler has played that same card, riding on this archetypal mindset.

Worship all you want, it ain’t getting any better. Not even within their realm of conditional behavior. It’s time to wizen up.

This programming is meant to channel us back to things and people worship, at every level. That’s why idolatry, such as sun, cross, wall, idol, monument or whatever worship, is so venomous and corrosive. It’s again giving our power over to literal energetic portals of deliberately exalted masked entities representing mental and spiritual strongholds that capture the unwitting mind and heart, carefully designed to short-circuit and contain us.

More profoundly, this provides a source of energy that these parasitic influences literally feed off of. Another huge subject deserving serious investigation.

It comes at us at many levels, but none of these work once we wake up to what’s really going on around us. Yes, everything can be interpreted as symbolic, but we have to see past that to the energetic level. This clearly goes for any symbolism, which is rife within human society and has been for eons.The question to ask is; where are the energies flowing? To what are any of us attributing anything and giving our attention and hence intention? The reality that we really don’t know anything but are simply a humble part of this magnificent experience should be the foundation for anything in a Universe that is co-creative and giving. Skip the institutionalized symbolism and hierarchical interpretations. They’re used as a snare. And very deviously so.

Conscious awareness is very different from powerless worship. We’re talking intrinsic connectivity and total empowerment versus dependency. They’re literally worlds apart.

Why Can’t People See It?

Why can’t we see anything? Like sun worship as a perfect example, it’s layered with esoteric entrapments. Truth is a reality of the heart, and reveals itself beyond thinking. Thinking might lead up to it, but ultimately the break comes when we enter the realm of conscious awareness that dawns on a true seeker. It’s an inner knowing. And that only comes to the sincerely committed.

Which should ultimately include all of us as we all have the same capabilities.

If you want to know the Truth you have to be sincere. Not a charlatan, not a power freak, not an intellectual self-exalting egocentric fool; nor a rat in the woodpile spy on the alternative mindset looking for inroads or ways to self promote. You have to really care, and be ready to do something about it unselfishly.

This is very hard to sort through for most people. What can you expect with such a bombardment of propaganda that would dwarf anyone’s resistance, never mind all the dumbing down chemicals. I feel sorry for them. They by and large thrive on what they’re being given and the societal output we’re witnessing is evidence of garbage in, garbage out.

Sad indeed. But we’re awakening – one heart at a time!



I’m hyper-condensing a very big arena of thought and discovery. The subject of symbology is an important one to thoroughly research so you can understand their language, be they corporate logos or religious icons. But what we battle on a daily basis is multi-generational , interdimensional, and astronomical in size. But it is in no way insurmountable. It’s a massive projection on many fronts and levels to create an ongoing sense of fear and need for security no matter how it’s couched or embedded. They do it in any way possible. And religion and similarly emotionally driven belief systems, including scientism, built on unending insecurity are the result, as well as the self-perpetuating cause.

The beauty is we always have the power within us to overcome all of this. Outside influences, however they are conceived, be they astral bodies, cosmic entities, deliberately layered occult symbolism posing as sources of power and salvation or just plain social engineering, it is essentially designed for personal disempowerment. To snap out of that mindset in whatever manner is each one’s personal challenge, and ever present available answer.

While not everything is part of the grand conspiracy, and there are both benign as well as malevolent spiritual influences and entities, this aspect is sinister trickery at its worst in our current matricized world. Yet the Truth on the other hand is empowering at its very root. Therein is our challenge – to know the difference and take action accordingly.

People are being screwed out of their conscious humanity. Just about everything we’ve been told is not true. And this spiritual diversion technique is just another aspect, but an essential and underlying one to be well aware of.

Question and reinterpret everything until you find full resonance. Act from there, whatever the cost – or it will cost you and your loved ones dearly. A fog of deep sleep is covering the world right now concurrent to a massive awakening of people worldwide who are snapping out of the hypnosis.

The answer can be quite simple in many cases. When something seems overly complex and feels disempowering or compromising, dump it.

Elimination is a big part of learning. And don’t worry, Truth loves a sincere vacuum!

Keep searching and learning. Continual growth in conscious awareness is our natural spiritual state.

We’re all in a school of higher education and it’s a thrill when you get the hang of it!

Much love, Zen


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