Man’s Right To Know -The Wilhelm Reich Story – Documentary

New Science / Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Man’s right to know, to learn, to make bona fide errors, to investigate human emotions must, by all means, be safe if the word Freedom should ever be more than an empty political slogan. – from Reich’s Response to Complaint for Injunction

This is a short story of his life. What it doesn’t cover is the machines that he developed to radiate energy at you that could cure all kinds of things. He had worked out a list of frequencies for different diseases and was having excellent results.

This is just another story of how the FDA is given the power to shut down anything that might hurt the pharmaceutical companies.

When will this madness ever end. Between the pharmaceutical companies and big oil, they have managed to stop progress toward discoveries that could really benefit ma kind. All for the love of money.


Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism.

Wilhelm Reich was a psychologist and author who came to the United States in order to escape Fascism and the ravages of the Second World War. The American authorities showed their subsequent appreciation for his work by burning many of Dr Reich’s books in 1950s. (Not unlike how the Nazis did twenty years before.)

He died on November 3rd 1957 in Lewisburgh Penitentiary. In his will, Reich stated that his unpublished papers were to be locked away until the year 2007, 50 years after his death, when as he put it, “man would be ready for his concepts.”
Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy
Wilhelm Reich was a physician-scientist whose investigation of energy in human emotions led to his discovery of a previously unknown energy which Reich called “orgone” energy. Reich found this energy (somewhat similar to the chinese concept of chi) exists in all living matter and in the cosmos. It is a life energy.

In 1954, the Federal Food and Drug Administration obtained an Injunction by default which ordered Reich to stop using orgone therapy to heal people. Reich refused to recognize their authority as non-scientists to stop his reasearch.

Reich was convicted of contempt of court and imprisoned in Lewisburg Penitentiary where he died on November 3, 1957. The FBI raided his offices and burned his books and research papers.

from ‘orgone’:
A universal life force hypothesized by Wilhelm Reich, supposed to emanate from all organic material that purportedly can be captured with a boothlike device and used to restore psychological well-being

This powerful new documentary by filmmaker Kevin Hinchey, contains rare archival film and still photos never before seen. Made in collaboration with Mary Higgins, Director of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust and The Wilhelm Reich Museum, it is an excellent introduction to the life and work of a courageous physician-scientist. The film presents both a clear picture of Reich’s science and a moving portrait of the man.

Noted physicist Fritjof Capra has described Reich as “a pioneer of the paradigm shift. He had brilliant ideas, a cosmic perspective, and a holistic and dynamic world view that far surpassed the science of his time and was not appreciated by his contemporaries.” Today, Reich remains unappreciated. In the words of his former student, the late Chester M. Raphael, MD, Reich is “misconstrued and misesteemed.” Man’s Right to Know goes a long way in providing an accurate and authoritative account of a fascinating figure who has helped to shape our world.

The half-hour long documentary will be followed by a talk by Trish Corbett and Michael Mannion on Reich’s valuable insights into Truth and Countertruth. These two concepts help us understand why it is so difficult for important ideas to be accepted, as was demonstrated in Man’s Right to Know.

Reich wrote, “In order to use the tool of truth efficiently, one must know the COUNTERTRUTH proficiently.” But what is truth? And what is Countertruth? How can they be used effectively at home, at work, in personal relationships and in society at large?

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